

Fire and snow, summer and winter, life and death seem to have nothing in common, right? But that's where we are wrong. They have everything in common but mirrored.

Summer is hot, while winter is freezing. Fire and snow are dangerous forces in those seasons. Fire is beautiful and bold, while snow is petite and gorgeous. Fire can burn everything down quickly and savagely. Snow can take hours before it takes a soul as the victim shivers from hypothermia, before their body decides it can't handle one more second of the weather.

Both are beautiful yet deadly. Summer and winter have good and bad things. What about life and death? I know we picture death as this dark looming shadow that follows over our shoulder until it finally seizes us, but what if it's not? We picture life as this beautiful innocent thing that never does any wrong, but isn't the saying "that's life" whenever so ething unexpected goes wrong? Death is a constant in everyone's lives. It's the one thing we are certain of. Sure, life may be green and smell nice, but death is freeing. Death shouldn't be seen as this scary figure, but rather a long friend from years ago who brought coffee and card games while you catch each other up.

Fire and snow, summer and winter, life and death, yin and yang. They are all opposites, yet they are all equally important and beautiful.