

The girl at Rengoku Academy!
You're probably wondering why I, crisgender woman and a "Gaijin"am wearing a uniform to one of the top International All Boys Schools in all of Japan, well it isn't because of some fan girl crush on a high jumper athlete! Nope, my reason for coming to Rengoku All Boys Academy is far more dark and sinister, you see my older brother or my "hermano" as I used to call him was one of the unlucky few won the lottery for a spot to attend Rengoku Academy! Every few years Rengoku does scouting for a selected few international students to attend the Academy, of course there are qualifications for applying, such as teachers recommendation, good grades, great leadership skills with volunteerism or activism and of course languages, oh and having a sad backstory also which also help which wasn't too hard since my we're from The South America Continent! Don't let what you see and hear on TV fool you, the Continent my indeed be magical and produced beautiful women, but the streets are hard and violence and war are rampant, but ever since we got adopted by this lovely family things started looking up for me and my hermano! That is why I don't believe what they are saying about my hermano to be true! Because, all we had on the streets were each other! We survived for as long as did because we had each others and we all thought it would be a both a blessing and gift, but in reality winning the lottery was the worse thing that could ever happen or at least since we moved away from "The Old Country" and into the new one with a whole new life! I'd could've spend hours telling you about our old life living on the street and being kidnapped from biological parents where we were forced to become child soldiers, but you don't want to hear that, you to hear why I, woman am dressing up as male! Like, I said before, I am here for justice and revenge for my brother whom supposedly committed suicide while staying at Rengoku Academy! However, while the official investigation claims that it was self harm, autopsy says something different, also I know my Hermano, he would never! Japanese School year starts in April, that is why the winners of the lottery are announced in January to make preparations for the coming school year. For three whole months there was nothing but excitement and joy for everyone involve. I even made jokes about him getting a Japanese Girlfriend while attending Rengoku Academy, but the school is an isolated location far way from any kind of civilization and it is an all Boys School, so there is no way he could find someone! Or at least that is what he said, turns out even at an All Boys School you can indeed find a girlfriend;however, my hermano who tells me everything didn't tell me who his new girlfriend was, honestly I was surprised that he got one considering that he broke up with his ex specifically so he could meet all the qualifications for attending Rengoku in the place so to hear that he got a girlfriend at Rengoku Academy was real shocker! School began on April 15th, but he needed to leave by the first so he could attend orientation and have enough time to move-in! I'll never forget the day he left and got on the that plane heading to his demise, it seemed just like any other day, but it was last time I saw my hermano in-person, I didn't even get to see his body! We said our good-byes, but not before throwing a South American party the night before! I told him call me and face-time me whenever he got the chance! He called me the night before school started because he couldn't sleep due to excitement after that I didn't here from for the longest time, no calls, no texts, then out of the blue he started sending me letters and post cards! I knew something was wrong off the back cause we never agreed to send letters or post cards;however, during the war back home letters and post cards were the only way we could communicate with each others we even wrote in our own code so our leaders wouldn't find out! At first I didn't understand then after receiving a few letters and post cards I started to realize that my hermano was writing in our made up language. We actually based it off the Chibchas they are an Indigenous People of our home country;however, only a few thousand remain and even less actually speak the language so no one would understand what we were talking about. His letters would go into details about he find a girlfriend yet couldn't tell me who she was out fear, he also told me that Rengoku is not what it seems to be and that secretly doing here at the Academy, but didn't know exactly what! He also said that some of the students have gone missing, yet no one knows why or how! His post cards were just simple, only giving me a name, one name for each post cards! If you ask me I say there is some kind conspiracy going on there because all these name are people who have graduated from the Academy, yet at the same time some of them went missing for a time then all of sudden came back! As for those who stayed missing there were wiped from the school's database and the school wouldn't even mention the names those who went missing only that had gone missing! Hermano says something is happening in the forest surrounding the schools because that is where a majority of students have gone missing, those who went missing on campus would always disappear at night and always on a New Moon or a cloudy night! For weeks my hermano would send me these letters, then I got the worse news, my hermano's body was found apparently he hung himself in the woods! The Academy, says that this is a common thing that happens in Japan like the Suicide Forest beneath Mount Fuji, but Mount Fuji and Rengoku are on two different Islands and my hermano and I grew up in Deep the Amazon Jungle and when weren't in the Amazon we were on the streets in the poorest and roughest part of the country! It took months for us to get the autopsy report on the cause of death and when we did it was completely redacted! They being The Academy and I guess the Japanese Government had my hermano's body cremated before we could hire our own private corennor, so we couldn't find out for ourselves exactly what was the cause of death, only what was told to us. Luckily, autopsy report had the name of the corennor on it, so after swearing that I would never again use my training as a child soldier when I was with guerrilla groups back in my home country. I decided that in order to get the truth out about what really happened to my hermano, I would need to bring my former self, back in my former old life! When you live in country torn by war for decades you learn certain survival techniques and some of them may seem wrong to the rest of the world, but I did what I had to back then, and now I must do it once again! For three whole days and night I used my training and by the third night, I finally got what I needed the real un-radacted report of my hermano's death! According to the autopsy report my hermano showed signings of torture! Our Guerella group may have been brutal and barbaric, but never to each others, if one wanted leave or was a traitor they get a quick death not a slow and painful one like my hermano. There was also signing of drugs in my hermano's system. Now we swore to each others that we stay away from the drug trade, that we would never allow our body's to be soiled by drugs especially by Cocaine! Yet, my brother had cocaine in his system along with other drugs, some drugs even I have never heard of, finally it gave me the cause of death! School said he went into the woods and hung himself, but the unredacted report said he was shot in the head so many times that there wasn't much of head left and that when they cremated him his head was missing! Know wonder why they wouldn't let us have his body they didn't want us finding out what really happened essentially robbing us of our rights to a proper funaul and the cause of death. I couldn't tell my adopted parents and didn't know who my real parents either so I couldn't tell them either;however, I could tell my fellow soldiers from my former guerrilla group. With the peace treaty signed some fellow members found success outside of guerrilla warfare and became multi-millionaires which is ironic since it is those millionaires and billionaires who we spent all our time fighting! But, what do I care, I am done with that life and moved on from that part of my life, or so I thought, but with the recent death of my hermano I have gotten back into that part of my life! When I told the gang of what happened they immediately jumped in to help. It took months of thought and preparation but if we have learned anything from our time guerrilla fighters it is how to take down those in power! The CIA, maybe the number one threat to global peace, but I have say there training does come in handy and so does having one the most infamous guerrilla groups in all of South America backing you up. So, after months of thoughts, planning, and preparations, I have finally entered Rengoku Academy this time not as girl but as a boy! I don't know what is really happening here at the Academy, but unlike my Hermano I will find out and unlike him I will not only succeed in finding out who killed him but I will expose them and destroy the reputation of Rengoku Academy! So, prepare yourself Rengoku Academy because I will have my Revenge and I will bring Justice not only for my Hermano's Death but everyone else whom you murdered and killed!