

In this long period where people are keeping in touch away form each other. I believed that it is the time people should appreciate every single details around them. They have more time to do things what they love and what they didn't usually do. They could bring creativity out of themselves. And that creativity could be applied in terms of art. Keeping ourselves busy doing things like drawing, painting, writing,reading,or even watching is an enormous aid to keep ourselves a time to set aside negativity about the situation our world's facing today. Doing such things could entertain you and makes you feel optimistic and have a peace of mind as well. Arts making could help us to expressed what we felt about the world. It would be a huge avenue for us to create a mere connection towards people. In art we can also contribute something that could make people better and make them feel solace and relieved.

So much things to do and appreciated in this time of quarantine. Arts could be one of them. I am a fond of literary arts. I am a story writer and I love writing. It makes me feel happy everytime I wrote. It's about keeping myself away from this withering reality and bringing yourself to another world where you felt comfort. Every form of arts are important it's just depends on where form of arts would you like to express yourself and an art who do you think that suite you very well. What we see,feel and even do are form of art. It is the things must people do to expressed their emotions and to escape on their downcast feeling.

Everything that surround us is a form of art we just need to appreciate it and took time to understand what its really meant for. Art is also a therapy. It's not just about making you feel better but it could also heal a person's emotional or even psychological problems.In art we can seek comfort and happiness which we can used to pull over lot of hostility away from us.Stay safe and pray.