

Moments change, so do you!
We live in a world where every matter changes into something else within a fraction of second. The air you are breathing, no longer remains the same as the next. This is the law of nature. Change is the only constant, then how does it affect you?

As human beings, we are born with certain qualities and nature. But, as we grow up and learn different things, we tend to change our views and even our favorite person.

This doesn't mean change is not good rather change is what uplifts you, if it's positive. If you grow up in a negative environment or in a unbearable conditions it will affect you deeply.

These positive pr negative moments keeps changing throughout your life. There is a life cycle to changing of moments where after positive, comes negative and vice versa. Such life cycle helps you grow as a person sso don't try to escape it, or avoid it.
© chimera