

The universe is a complex algorithmic module, a mathematical matrix of void that is self programming into reality via a set principle. Your mind is the pattern that connects you with every other thing around you because you're a part of the universal components (a kind of relativity Albert Einstein was trying to describe mathematically in his theory of universal relativity, although Einstein theory of relativity was mainly objectively and empirically based). Therefore what you think attracts the universal principles that would bring those thoughts into reality. Think positive and the laws of positivity gets fulfilled in your life bringing positive energies in the universe your way; think negative and see the surprise of nature too. Unfortunately, because of the negative energies around, negative thoughts seem to dominate the earth, attracting negative energies that make negativity to prevail in the society today as well as most minds.

Have you ever wondered why sometimes when you feel like calling someone on phone the same person calls within the moment? Do you wonder why sometimes people we mention tend to either come around or relate within a short while? Do you wonder why night dreams sometimes come into reality? It is the act of your mind, the real you connecting with the universal reality in which you are part of the complex system. People are not supposed to hurt each other nor destroy nature itself because we are all part of the whole.

If you were a science student or like reading scientific materials such as those relating to quantum mechanics you would understand that everything in the universe is made up of matter which is made up of atoms. An atom is a sphere of protons, neutrons and electrons. When an atom is bombarded with strong energy, it disintegrates into its constituent sub atomic particles which just exist as mere photons (light). At this point, matter that once had mass and occupied space becomes space itself (light) and exist as void.

There are new scientific researches going on now to prove the existence of #darkmatter (A form of matter thought to account for approximately 85% of the matter in the universe). If dark matter truly exists as scientists claim, I will not be wrong to confirm that dark energies also exist. Yes the universe is a complex system. You're part of the "void" complexes existing now in form. When you die, you're going to exist in that original form in either nature that cannot be described in this context, some call it THE SOUL. You're just a dot of the complex patterns that form the universe. You're eternal, you can not evaporate from the universe but you can only change form. Medical sciences are beginning to prove that an aspect of us exist after death as a consciousness. Yes! There have been several near death experiences that shows that life is a mystery beyond what we see and know. Remember "Matter can neither be created nor destroyed". Even when matter is destroyed during radioactivity (nuclear bombardment) and turns to photons (the photons are just energy quantum just like light and other electromagnetic radiations, EMF). Now consider the Law of Conservation of Energy which states that...
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