

Dear Diary, Dear Death
Dear Diary,
My family left today on an adventure! We are going west! However, I’m a bit worried about the supplies we packed. Will we have enough food? We took everything, but the food we grabbed seemed a bit lacking. Perhaps father forgot about the little one in mother’s tummy.
No matter, I’ll share! The mood as we left was a bit worrying though. No one was happy and I got the feeling that it was my fault but I don’t know what I did.

Dear Diary,
Today we traveled even further and father thinks it will only take us one week to get to the next small town. Although that was the only thing he said today. This silence is so gloomy and depressing but still I don’t know what’s wrong. I can’t ask though because with this type of mood, the chances of father getting angry at me are very high, so I won’t speak until someone else does first. That’s the way girls should act. It will all be okay in the end. Father knows what he’s doing. It will all be fine.

Dear Diary,
It’s not fine in any way. Everything is going wrong. What would you do if you were told that the heavy rain we received will keep us from being able to stop in the next town? Just because of that rain, our wagon has gotten stuck a few times already, and we almost got left behind. Everytime the rain stopped, father got down from the wagon and helped the horses pull our cart along. No one said a word and we continued, the mood seeming all the more gloomy with the rain.

Dear Diary,
It’s been a week since we left, and the whole trip is off to a rough start. Mother, father, and sister are all fine, but brother caught a cold from the rain. We had a...