

Cruelty (Full Story)
As the sun rises over Bailey's cabin once again. She feels extremely happy knowing just how successful she became all on her own. It just felt so good to her as she got out of bed. Getting past her morning routine she headed down to the kitchen. To make breakfast however she spotted something in the corner of her eye. A little box sitting on her kitchen counter though Bailey felt a slight chill crawl up her spine. As she was wondering how it could have possibly even got there. However she picks up the little box looking it over. And it had a little label on it reading. "Cruelty." Bailey beyond confused gets ready to open the box. However she stops hearing a knock at her door.

Bailey softly puts the box down as Bailey was beginning to freak out slightly. With all of these strange happenings. However as Bailey looked through her front doors peephole. Bailey could see it was just her close by neighbor Amanda. Bailey takes a deep breath before opening the door and saying. "Amanda are you serious you scared me half to death. Why are you here so early anyway? I don't remember us going to do anything today were we?"

Bailey asks in a truly dumbfounded tone. As Amanda kinda just rolls her eye's. As she pushes her brown hair slightly from her face. As she says with a calm tone. "We'll in case you forgot Bailey today was supposed to be the day. That me and you go out and have a little bit of girl time. Work is stressful and i was really hoping you would be available today." Amanda says with a calm tone as she never really tried to be too loud. However as Bailey listens to Amanda she gets a look of sadness before saying. "Ohh yeah i almost forgot about that actually. Uh i really would love to go with you Amanda. But i just really don't think i am going to have the time. Really i don't but next week i promise i will." Bailey says with a promising tone as she hadn't changed much with keeping promises since high school. As Amanda just looks disappointed sighing heavily before responding with. "Right sorry for being such a bother then i will just go by myself then. Hopefully next week you will be free......Because i really want to.....Spend time with....You as a friend of course." Amanda says pretty awkwardly before Bailey could even respond. Amanda begins walking away from the door. As Amanda begins walking back through the forest to head back home alone. As Bailey watches Amanda frowning softly before saying to herself.

"I shouldn't feel bad i just want some time to myself....I shouldn't have to explain that to anyone. Who cares right i am just thinking way too hard." Bailey says talking to herself. As she closes her door before walking back towards the kitchen. Picking up the little box again as Bailey finally opens it silence fills the kitchen as what's inside is a letter. And that was it Bailey look's confused as she picks up the letter that had a big red heart on it. But no word's on the cover. Bailey chuckles thinking it a joke before she takes the letter into her living room.

Sitting down on the couch as Bailey opens the letter. The letter starts with reading. "From someone who has experienced Cruelty. Bailey i know you won't know who i am. But that's okay because i remember you so We'll. I used to think you were a monster with no love in you're heart. But after feeling and appreciating what you did to me. I opened up myself and found a fun new hobby. That i look forward to showing you. Sleep tight tonight beautiful." As Bailey read's the letter she truly dosen't understand what the letter is talking about. She was flattered by the comments. Though Bailey believed it was a joke. Taking the box and the letter throwing them away in the trash.

The rest of the day goes We'll for Bailey just like any other day. Enjoying herself relaxing not having a absolute care in the world. However as the sun slowly begins to fade under the sky. Bailey notices the sun was going down. So she got up and headed on over to the kitchen. As she was getting ready to make dinner for herself. However as Bailey was cooking she hears something it was a little peeble hitting her kitchen window. Like someone was throwing peebles at it. And as Bailey stops what she is doing and walks slowly over to the window. She looks out the kitchen window seeing someone standing outside.

They were wearing a jacket with boot's and Pants on. They looked female from what Bailey could see however Bailey seemed pretty scared. She quickly went to go get her phone to call the police. However as she runs back into the living room. She can't find it however the peebles begin hitting the window again and Bailey quickly runs back over looking out the window to see. Whoever it was had her phone as the woman throws. The phone at the ground stomping on it and breaking it. As Bailey was terrified as the woman outside look's at Bailey through her Stitched made mask. As the woman begins walking off towards the left out of sight.

As Bailey quickly duck's down turning off her stove as she stresses out. However looking around the kitchen Bailey goes over to her knife holder. Pulling out a large knife holding it close to her body. As she corner's herself thinking of what she was going to do. As she was on the verge of tears. Before she heard a loud knock at the door. Bailey hesitantly gets up tears softly falling from her face. As she approaches her front door.

Softly Bailey puts her ear up to it. Before hearing someone outside of the door. Begin talking with a muffled voice as the feminine voice says. "What's the matter Bailey aren't you someone who likes to play game's and have fun. You seem afraid right now......It's cruel isn't it fear is a cruel thing. I couldn't tell you how many people that i so graciously killed. Had that same fear coursing through their. Beautiful bodies the only one missing is Bailey and after all these year's look who i found. Now all she has to do is......OPEN THE DOOR!!!"

The feminine voice says getting more aggressive. As the woman begins slamming into the door. As Bailey testified and crying. Just holds. The door in place with all her strength. However eventually the beating on the door stops. As the feminine voice says. "You're very very strong Bailey but i know other ways of getting into you're home. You just wait right there and don't move i can't wait to play game's and have fun together......Can't you."

The feminine voice says before Bailey can hear the woman stepping away from the door. However as Bailey continues to sit there crying to herself softly and saying. "I don't understand why is this happening to me...I don't even know who she is. Cruelty i don't know what she's talking about i just don't want to die." Bailey says through tears as she stops. Hearing something crash upstairs. As she look's around hiding behind a chair wedged into the corner of her living room. As footsteps begin thudding down the stairs as the feminine voice begins talking again saying.

"Hiding from me that's a very rude and naughty thing to do......Yet you would know alot about both of those things wouldn't you Bailey. I mean you do enjoy the sweet taste of cruelty right. How it causes pain how it ruins lives. Quite fun isn't it.....But i think it's even more fun that now you get to experience cruelty as We'll." The woman says as she reaches the bottom of the stairs. Looking around as she walks into the living room before saying. "And i think i know exactly where you are hiding....You're not very good at this whole hide and seek thing......ARE YOU!!!"

The woman says before flipping over the couch but finding no one. She giggles softly before looking over at the chair in the corner. As she pulls out a hammer from her jacket pocket slowly walking over towards the chair saying. "Ready or not.....Here....I....COME!!!"

The woman says before pushing the chair aggressively out of the way. However Bailey thrusts forward with the knife trying to stab the woman. But misses. As the woman smiles before hitting Bailey in the head aggressively with the hammer one time knocking Bailey out. It feels like hours before Bailey finally wakes up dried blood on her head. As she is tied tightly to a chair in her bedroom.

As The woman dragging a chair behind her puts the chair infront of Bailey. Before sitting down looking around Bailey's bedroom as she says.

"We'll We'll why we are sitting around we might as We'll chat it's been a Dog's age since we last spoke.....If i can recall you're word's correctly they went something like. You're just a ugly stupid bitch that won't ever become anything in her life. We'll Bailey was wrong my parent's got divorced. And then i killed both of them they deserved it and so did everyone else too. But i was so hesitant about you Bailey....." The masked woman says to Bailey adjusting herself in the chair as she continued looking around Bailey's bedroom before saying. "You are doing quite We'll for yourself congratulations. I am so happy for you......BECAUSE!!.....You showed me something through you're cruelty that the only way to be happy in life is by taking other lives. That CRUELTY FEELS GOOD POWERFUL A SWEET POISON!!!........That i just can't get enough of you showed me that Bailey and i love you for it." The woman says with a calm little smile through her mask. As Bailey was already figuring out the woman behind the mask was Logan. As Bailey looked drained of all energy she says with a soft tone.

"Listen Logan i know what i did to you back then was wrong. And even after all these year's i still haven't understood anything about being truly kind to someone. But i know you won't forgive me but there has to be something that i can give you anything. Please.....I don't want to......Die." Bailey says the word's with a actual meaningful tone however Logan just laughs loudly through her mask. As she then stops laughing getting a shacky look in her eyes. Before saying. "You're really really funny Bailey you think i want to reason with you. You think i care about your apology....Hehehehe that's really funny. Almost as funny as your going to look as a corpse. It's been fun catching up but.....It's time for Cruelty." Logan says getting up from her chair pulling out her hammer once again getting ready to. Beat Bailey to death until a loud knock can be heard at the door. As Bailey attempts to scream but Logan grabs her face roughly keeping her quiet. Whispering to Bailey. "Shut the fuck up. Don't you say a word you little whore. Or I'll kill you right now understand me. Now while I'm gone you stay right here. And i was goning to use this for something else. But might as We'll use it now." Logan says before she pulls out some duct tape from her jacket pocket. Roughly putting it over Bailey's mouth shoving it back into her jacket pocket. As Logan smacks Bailey's face softly before saying. "Cheer up Bailey after i deal with you're friend me and you will finally be all alone....So exciting isn't it."

Logan says before walking out of the bedroom. As Bailey tied to the chair desperately tries to scream out. But just can't because of the duck tape. And the woman knocking on the front door was Amanda who had decided not to go do anything today. As she wanted to really visit with Bailey. However as Amanda knocked on the door seeing Bailey's car was still here but not seeing anyone worried her. As Amanda begins trying to call Bailey but she wasn't getting anything. However she failed to notice Logan pulling out her hammer sneaking up behind Amanda. And Logan was lifting up the hammer getting ready to hit Amanda until Amanda turned around. Screaming didn't stop Logan as the hammer connected right against Amanda's skull making her fall to the ground. As Logan sighed before saying. "Wrong place wrong time little whore. You should have just stayed away but now i have to We'll kill you in my favorite way possible.....Cruelty." Logan says before swinging the hammer down bashing Amanda's face into the ground. As blood splatters everywhere all over Logan's mask as she swings a few more time's at the lifeless body. Tilting her head smiling at the dead corpse. Before whistling as she begins making her way back inside the house. However as Logan walked upstairs. She walked into Bailey's bedroom seeing the chair was empty her eye's through her mask widen. As Bailey comes out from behind the door hitting Logan with a lamp right in the head making Logan stumble back but not fall over.

However Bailey seeing her moment begins to run down the stairs darting straight for outside. However Logan was in full pursuit and Bailey didn't have the key's for her car so she continued running into the woods. As she could hear Logan chasing after her saying. "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS YOU'RE GOING TO TRY AND WALK ON ME!! NO NO NO THAT'S NOT HOW THIS WORK'S YOU FUCK!!!" Logan yells out as Bailey finds a fallen tree to duck behind. And she tries to stay as quiet as possible not wanting to make any noise. As she could hear Logan really close by crunching the leaf's beneath her feet. And Bailey closes her eye's praying that Logan will just go away. However as Bailey opens her eye's looking up. Logan stands on the fallen tree swinging the hammer down however Bailey duck's out of the way. Fallen over Bailey pushes herself away from Logan as Logan walks towards Bailey saying. "Under the bright moon under the We'll lit sky you're blood will shine so perfectly againsts the earth. Goodnight Bailey sweet dream's forever~." She says getting lifting up the hammer getting ready to kill Bailey however she rolls out of the way. Causing the hammer to get stuck in the ground. As Bailey sees this running at Logan tackling her to the ground and punching Logan in the face several times through her stitched mask. And Logan just laughed the whole time the punches landed as she was bleeding aggressively. However Logan knee's Bailey in the gut making her heave and fall back over. As Logan stands up dusting her jacket off.

As Logan takes off her mask showing her bleeding face. However there were also Stichtes on her face as We'll as. Logan jumped on top of Bailey wrapping her hands around her throat and saying. "It's so cute watching you die like this just don't fight it. You're death is the sweetest thing i have ever seen. Hehehehehe......DIE DIE DIE FUCKING DIE!!!!" Logan says strangling Bailey slamming her head against the ground while doing so. It goes on for several minutes until Logan can't feel Bailey's pulse anymore. As Logan smiles laughing softly as she jumps up face bleeding aggressively. She twirls around dancing softly as she yells.

"YES SHE'S FUCKING DEAD HAHAHAHA!!! THE SWEETEST CRUELTY I DID IT!.....Mom and dad so now who is the worthless one. Hehehe i did it i finally won something. It feels so good." Logan says picking her hammer back up. Walking over Bailey's corpse and beating the corpse with the hammer. Wanting to confirm her kill. As Bailey's head bursts open blood spilling all over the ground. Logan laughs falling onto the ground laying next to Bailey's headless corpse pulling it close and saying. "Thank you Bailey~."

Logan says before jumping up putting her mask back on. As she leaves Bailey's headless Corpse in the woods. As the sun finally begins to rise upon the slaughter that had taken place.

It only took a few day's and the authority's had found out everything that happened. Finding the brutal crime scene as We'll as everything else. And it didn't take too long before the athurotesies. Finally caught up to Logan arresting her. She was hiding out at a old junkyard. And had killed over forty people by then. Logan was put on trial. And soon sentenced life into a mental institution barely avoiding the death penalty. Still today when asked why she did these horrible actions. Her response is.

"I was only showing some sweet cruelty~."


I know ending is very dark but that's just me if you couldn't already tell. Anyway i appreciate you reading my original idea that i basically just popped up. Anyway thank's for stopping by i appreciate it~.

© I think we are Alone