

strange envision?
Long long ago on a distant planet far from home. There were three strange creatures. One was name Don he was a creature unlike any other The second was name Sally her name was Sally Sally was high spirited and very attractive to the other two creatures Don and Sally were enchanted by the third creature named Long and tall. They called him long and tall because he came from nowhere and that's what he could was, long and tall. He seemed very gentle and kind but don't be deceived because he's the most dangerous of the lot. Inside him was brewing a great power with a very dangerous intention. Together these creatures hatched a very wicked plot to destroy the earth and take it for themselves. But don and Sally was unaware that earth was full of loving humans, they were under the impression by long and tall that earth was inhabited by war-like monsters and beasts. "Humans are weak and will be easily vanquished by us," said long and tall. Then don said "they are weak because they are at war with one another and divided, we cannot let them come together as a whole" Sally said "they are divided because there are different kinds of humans that don't understand one another." Don replied " if only they learned the power of unity like our planet did they wouldn't be bringing their planet to ruin, but we will save the planet and it's animals from the terrible humans" Sally said "don't be so sure, all humans are bad and we are sure to get destroyed by humans and beasts" Long and tall said "Yes Sally they must be vanquished before they find out their secret power of God that comes from a United world and bring their wicked God into the heavens to corrupt peaceful planets such as ours. " There came a point when the three creatures reached their destination. " ahh this is the planet called earth" said tall and long, tall and long began to use their space ships jamming devices to first take out communications and electricity of the entire planet. Even earths satellites were the first to go. Next the creatures were going to take out the atmosphere of the planet. But Sally gave Tall and Long the reminder that they must save the animals and plants on the planet to preserve them for other life forms like they had to do with the dinosaurs long ago. So Sally made a device that would send up a signal to the creatures that would disable the jamming devices so that they could save their planet. Tall and Long became enraged by Sally's actions. He thought of them as acts of betrayal so he wanted to kill Sally. Sally now being a giantess raised her fist and smashed Tall and Long into pieces. Don began to help Sally because of his deep feelings for her But she said "you have done nothing, so you must be destroyed" Don began to show Sally of his loyalty by destroying their ship and restoring communication back to the planet earth without the need of Sally's devices. Sally was an earth woman but became a princess of another planet that was in need of help. And that was Sally's back story and how she ended up on the strange planet with don and why she would not let earth become destroyed. It's a short story to teach you how to use a story line and how to make a story. That The moral is Be loyal and helpful to others to make others loyal and helpful.
© Wayy