

endless corridors of confusion
walking down corridors as cluttered as my thoughts.
feeling disoriented as I make my way to the front door not really feeling like exploring the outside world.
waves that crash upon the seashore.
I feel as though I have a world of motion correlating with an ocean that's inside my head.
definitely not making it easy to walk from one point to another within endless corridors.
eventually finding my bearings.
my thoughts turn into words, although I would hope and pray for silence.
the number two is lonelier than the number one, especially when there's deceit involved.
My blood runs cold as my world unfolds within the disaster that reality shall become.
this too shall pass. nothing upon God's green earth last forever.
though some do give it their best.
The world is a feast at least try to pick and choose that which would be satisfying upon your plate.
try not to pick anything that is rotten with decay and lies.
the truth is often bittersweet however it's a lot more delicious and in good taste.
The truth never goes to waste.
often our eyes see a world of lies. disguised as nothing more than sweet goodbyes.

© Life is amazing, if you let it be!