

Realization In The Dark (2)
"Do I want to live only because I am afraid to die?"
"Is my purposeless life any less than death?"
That question spinned inside Emma's mind like a hurricane.

She had witnessed the entire world transform into a miraculous piece of human intellect yet still, for her, it had lackness because Emma Huddleton had not done anything for it.

That unsettling night, Emma decided that she was not going to live just to escape death, but to enjoy, to do what it takes to become what she wanted to be, to give this world something new and make it a better place than it was without her.

She left the garden and walked to her apartment.

She left the dark and walked towards light.

She left the death and walked towards life.

---The End---

PS: let's find our purpose and see what good we can give to this world!


#writcostory #life #failure #thoughts #overcomefear #live #purpose

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