

Real shit called life
We live in a world where people sugarcoat things to not hurt our feelings.

To get better, we can not sugarcoat who we are and how we feel inside. We owe it to ourselves to be brutally honest with ourselves.

I have been in several situations where I was not mentally or physically prepared enough and got my ass kicked by whatever was in front of me.
You pay a big price for quitting or failing at something.

You might lose self-esteem and self-confidence but you must not surrender to those feelings!

Refocus and attack whatever kicked your ass! Have the courage to face whatever knocked you down.
You wear life down when you are consistent.
Our demons hate when we develop consistency in our lives. Don't let quitting or failure repress your desire to conquer the obstacle that was put there just to see how you would react.

When you fall down, focus on the solution not the problem. You might quit or fail 100 times. Keep that clear picture of where you want to be.

You have to still see it even through failure. Almost every start begins with failure if you are trying to reach your own personal moon.