

48 Hours Chapter 2
Chapter 2 The Ask. So 1 hour later the swat team and the cops yell "ALL CLEAR" everyone was so confused how is it all clear someone got shot how is it all clear. Then Sofia said "someone that was not in the games is coming i was going to say that when there was only one person left i will just say now ok" then i was running oh i did not tell you how i am Lizzie Trapic ok so i am running and she sees me and say "you the one that is running i pick you" i said in my head or out load no in my head NOOO WHY ME i hope that was in my head im so confused ok back on topic ok i said "me why im not evan cool i was in the contest " she said "you werent in the conteat" i said "ok" so it was friday and the 24 hours thing was next saturday so i spent the week buttering my parents up so i could ask. So how i buttered my mom up was she has a recerd player and she loves it and loves Dolley Parmen and Michael Jackson i got her the recerds of all there songs. But my dad was hard so i got him 19 games and it worked they said yes and in my head NOOOO WHY so i got packing. So right after Sofia ask me to go and i said ok 2 boys witch there names were Peter and Josh PS i have a cruch on Josh dont tell ok so Peter said bro lets sneek in bro yes. Chapter 3 Coming Soon