

Simple Diary of Mine
Seventh Page

Baby Cleo finally opened up to me. He let me carry him and bathe him. Yesterday, He only crawl and never let me touch him but now, he let me play with him. Leven visited my house, worried about myself if the rain damaged my house. He's such a great friend. He told me that he got lost many times before coming to my house. Leven was shocked to see a baby on my house and asked if this is my baby and I said yes. His face as horrified when he heard that. I told him what happened and how it ended up.

Leven was staring at the baby Cleo and so is he. They're both been staring for too long and so I disturb the tension between the two by giving them a snack. Baby Cleo was around 2 or 3 years old because of his appearance. Baby Cleo has been clinging to me ever since Leven came. Both of them has been fighting, Leven fighting with a baby over a snack. It was a new sight to see and Baby Cleo understanding the adults, that's even more surprising to see.

Baby Cleo keep throwing things to Leven using his elemental. His elements is earth. He can manipulate everything that comes from earth, plants are exceptional. Leven was furious and start yelling at Baby Cleo but he stick his tongue out to piss him off. Leven snapped and start using his elements but I stopped him by pinching his ear. Baby Cleo laughs at him.

Finally, both of them reconcile. Blue then suddenly pay a visit and brings a emerald brooch that made Baby Cleo transform into a fine, handsome young man. Both of us were shocked especially me, the baby I took care off suddenly transform into a man!? Then I remembered that I'm in a fantasy world of course there are fantasy story. The man is really Cleo and Blue recognized him. She said that he's the wizard of the tower of Leaf, the one who specializes on earth elementals. She also said that he's the head of it. I wasn't shocked of this since I've saw bizarre things he did with Leven.

Cleo greet us with fine respect and asked me to let him stay for a few more days. I agree but the other two disagree. Leven reasons is that I don't know this man well while Blue reasons is that man and woman shouldn't stay together for too long. I agree to their reasons but Cleo fight back with words and he defeated the two. Then they decided that they also stayed here but they didn't get to managed to hear my answers when one of their colleagues came and drag them out.

I showed Cleo his room but he wasn't satisfied, he told me that he want my room so I refused. He pout. I seriously find it cute but it's not working on me. His room was away from my room, it was place at the top of the tree like a tree house. I help him clean his room and he just take it with no choice. From now on, I'm not living alone in this house. I have an elf with me.

End of the Seventh Page

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