

I Am Doing This For Me
I once asked a very successful woman to share her secret with me. She smiled and said to me.. "I started succeeding when I started leaving small fights for small fighters. I stopped fighting those who gossiped about me...I stopped fighting for a cheating partner...I stopped fighting for attention...I stopped fighting to meet public expectation of me...I left such fights for those who have nothing else to fight...And I started fighting for my vision, my dreams, my ideas and my destiny. The day I gave up on small fights is the day I started becoming successful."
It's a reminder to avoid getting entangled in petty conflicts or distractions that detract from our goals and aspirations. Some tips to do it for yourself...........1.SETTING PRIORITIES: Understanding what truly matters in life and allocating time and energy accordingly can lead to more fulfilling and successful outcome. 2 SELF REFLECTION:Taking time to reflect on our values, goals, and aspirations can help us identify which battles are worth fighting for and which ones are best left alone.3:RESILIENCE:Learning to let go of small fights can build resilience and mental strength, enabling us to persevere through challenges that align with our long-term vision.4:FOCUS ON GROWTH:By redirecting our focus towards personal and professional growth, we can channel our efforts into pursuits that contribute positively to our lives and the lives of others.5:SURROUNDING YOURSELF WITH SUPPORT:Surrounding ourselves with supportive individuals who share similar values and aspirations can help reinforce our commitment to pursuing meaningful endeavors and avoiding unnecessary conflicts.