

EP 1 Her First Day in the company
So Lisa generally wakes up at noon but now for the office, she is waking up early. The office starts at 9:00 am. So she chose things which are required for the office. She phoned her bestie Cassia. The conversation was normal. Lastly cassia good luck to her. So she was nervous and having a premonition. So she drove her car to the Addison Company. She never thought to have a job in this company because Addison Company is one of the best company in the country. So she went into the reception. The reception staff told that the boss was having a meeting with his employees so after 20 mins she could meet him. Lisa thanked her and she sat on the black metal chair in the reception hall. Somewhere the coldness of the metal chair felt Lisa's nervousness. So after that, the reception staff rose called her and wished her good luck. She thanked her and went to the boss's room. She knocked on the door. Michele said, " Come in ". Lisa went into the room. Michele saw her and fell in love with her but he didn't express it. Lisa said " Good Morning Sir ". He said that " Don't say sir say, Michele ". Lisa nodded her head. She showed her qualifications. Michele can't stop looking at her.He told " If you are capable for this job then we will call you and you will be allowed". Lisa thanked him. She left and drove her car. But she blushed a little because of his handsome face. But she didn't thought much and brought some food from the store and went home. What will happen? I am going to write it very soon. For now Byeeee...
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