

Sunset Chronicles: Echoes of a Kashmiri Village.
As the sun began its descent behind the rugged peaks of the Himalayas, casting a warm golden glow over the Kashmiri village, the evening life unfolded with a sense of familiarity. The air carried a gentle breeze, rustling through the tall poplar trees that lined the village outskirts.
In the heart of the village, near the village center, men gathered in clusters, their weathered faces reflecting years of toil under the unrelenting sun. They wore traditional attire, their vibrant shawls wrapped around their broad shoulders, a testament to the rich cultural heritage they carried. Some sat on wooden benches, their laughter filling the air, while others leaned against the cracked walls of old stone houses, engaged in animated conversations.
Amongst them Khaliq Houj, a figure known for his captivating storytelling. With his white beard flowing down his chest and a twinkle in his eyes, he commanded attention as he weaved tales of his journeys to far-off lands. Despite the passage of time, he recounted his encounters as if they were fresh in his memory, his voice resonating with enthusiasm.
Nearby, the women of the village gathered their hens into the safety of their coops, their colorful pherans swishing against the ground. With delicate hands, they skillfully maneuvered, gently guiding the clucking birds towards their designated shelters. The women conversed in hushed tones, sharing the day's events and exchanging whispered secrets. Their laughter occasionally mingled with the distant sound of children playing in the narrow alleys, bringing a sense of joy to the evening ambiance.
As the sky transformed into a canvas of pastel hues, the scent of homemade delicacies wafted through the air. The aroma of traditional Kashmiri cuisine filled the nostrils, tempting even the most satiated appetite. The village women skillfully prepared meals, simmering rich curries and steamed rice. The clattering of pots and pans harmonized with the bustling evening activities, creating a symphony of village life.
Amidst the laughter, chatter, and mouth-watering scents, Khaliq Houj continued his tales, his animated gestures adding a theatrical touch to his narratives. The men around him listened intently, their eyes filled with wonder as they immersed themselves in the vivid imagery his words conjured. They marveled at the grandeur of foreign lands, places they could only dream of visiting.
In this typical Kashmiri village evening, the passage of time seemed to blur, merging the realms of reality and imagination. The village, steeped in tradition and simple pleasures, provided the backdrop for Khaliq Houj's embellished stories, a momentary escape from the daily routines and hardships of life. It was a time when dreams were nurtured, aspirations soared, and the magic of storytelling breathed life into the hearts of all who listened.

© Shafat_Ibne_Ali