


```Adam was invited to a certain occasion and when he got there, he was upset that he was not given the accolade he expected. Filled with pride, he decided to take his self acclaimed position by force.
It turned out that the event was a national event, and many national dignitaries were invited. As soon as they walked in, he rapidly followed their procession, hoping this could get him a front place seat.
As he got to the front seat, he however realised that they all had their names attached to their seat.
He knew what this meant, and in order not to be embarrassed or mistaken for an assassin, and to avoid being whisked away by the security officers of these dignitaries, he had to pose as a security officer. He stood throughout the programme and to keep a straight face and try his best not to look suspicious. Fortunately, he was not caught and after standing for hours, he managed to slip away unnoticed when the event came to an end. How fortunate he was that his pride did not cost him dearly. His quest for recognition caused him pain and shame instead of fame. Pride goes before fall.