

One god
Once there was a boy named Raghav, he was a very religious boy but doesn't has a specific religion as he goes to the temple, church and even the mosque. He is a boy who believe that there is only one religion and only one god. He believes that no matter where you go and pray it's the one and only god who will hear his prayer. So if he is passing by a mosque he will stop and pray, if he is passing a temple he will stop and pray, and if he passed by and saw a church he will stop and pray as he goes in. People will normal laugh at him as why can't he just follow one religion, they think he was kinda mad but it's not true as his way of living is different. He doesn't care what anyone says about him as he knows what he is doing. So one day he was passing by and he saw a hindu man and a Muslim man was fighting. The Muslim man was telling the Hindu man that the god that he(Hindu man) worship have a cow as the animal they worship and they drinking the milk and why can't eat the meat. However the Hindu man tell the Muslim man that they drink the milk but atleast they don't sacrifice any animal for their god. However Raghav stops them from quarreling and he tells the Muslim man that yes the Hindu has an animal that they worship which is the cow and the milk from that cow is like the milk that's given by our mother. And raghav turned to the Hindu man and tell him that these Muslim sacrifice animals because of what Abraham did. Abraham was about to sacrifice his son to God but then god saw that he was a true devotee and he tell Abraham to sacrifice a lamb instead. So that's why Muslim sacrifice animals to their god on their holiday. Both the Hindu man and Muslim man turned to Raghav and ask him what's his religion and raghav replied what's there in a religion when you can't understand the important of a human being. See you were fighting over religion and might ended up killing one another, does that make any sense. Well my religion is Hinduism, Christianity and Islam as all these prays to one god but it's just called by different names. Fighting against one religion isn't the right way but instead support other religions as they have the same god as yours and they are also human beings. All religion is one religion. And raghav went his way leaving the Muslim man and Hindu man thinking. As he was walking he turned back and see both of them hugging each other and he said to himself, no matter how many religions is there, there will always be one god.

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