


There is an unspoken void between us that eye must bridge. Miles of misunderstandings just waiting to erupt should eye skip thistep in setting a foundation of understanding between us. If you allow me these moments to equalize the pressure between us, eye promise to explain our purpose as human beings and how we fulfill our purpose. Hugs.

Iam a 44 year old man working as a laborer building wooden crates around cardboard boxes of products. The job destroys my body day by day and honestly eye feel it's a job for machines, as there is no proper way for two people to throw 150-200 linear pounds 1-3ft from a metal rack onto the staging area.
I took online courses but not seriously, suffered from depression for over twenty years and the consequences of that, but eye did graduate from high school.

I spent one year in the Army before receiving an honorable discharge after a #MeToo incident and getting out. Eye spent years driving over the road, time as an assistant manager for McDonalds, Been homeless, and been so much more along the way to Here.

Somewhere in my Facebook posts starting from March 2015, I even offered my social security online because I have absolutely nothing to hide. My depression and my struggle with it gave me the understanding eye need to righthisheartoday.

My past does not define me, but rather reminds me of past mistakesandstruggles. I shared alove this so that you will understand that eye only will to share Universal Truth.

May this help lessen the distance between US as we begin hour journey.

Our Purpose as Human Beings is to Embody Time's Love and Spread it throughout existence Eternally.

The first thing to understand is that Time is God and the Creator of All Things. WithouTime NoThing will exist. Our Time here living is Time's Unconditional Love giving us moments we call Life.
Time is the Only Entity which can possibly posses all the omni attributes religions associate with the Creator of Existence.

Also there is this:
TIME = I'm tiME
E = Eve, Mother of All Living = TimEmitsetself.

Accepting this Truth, it is far easier to understand the reason for our creation as human beings. This Truth is easy to understand if you just take a moment to look at the world around us.
In Nature everything serves a purpose or function, even in death alove tHEARTh's children contribute to continuing the cycle of life, with human beings the only exception.
It is knot that we are not capable of contributing, but instead that we have knot done sowon a species level.
This Exception allows Us the Freedom to become Anything tHEARTh needs, as well as victims of our self destructive nature. No other species kills so many of it's own. No other species allows the widespread suffering of their children.
Asubmission of Proof is how the Human genome contains strands of dna found within various species echoing the Unity of our Universe within hour deSign.
In this way it is obvious to see we are uniquely equipped and created to Embody Love and Spread it throughout all Existence.

Ok, so what is Time?
Time is The 'Space' between and within all things in existence. The 'Dark Matter' providing a 'Body' for Creation to Exist Within.
The Logic of this is Perfect.
Without the 'space' Time provides each Moment would not exist.
Scientist seek to bottle Time, yet the Human Mind is Already a Master of Such Things. Hour Memories Allow Us to RExperience moments stored through personal reflection or emotional cues. Our ability to change perspective through thoughtsand emotions allows us to grow and evolve regardless of the 'passage' of Time.

Which brings Us to ALoVeU.
We are all God's Children,
More specifically,
We are Children of Time.
This is Clearly aParent when you consider how minutely we have defined 'Time', in even our day to day lives. We go about doing this or that, chase seconds when we are running late, experience moments where seconds feel like minitues like days like eternity. Almost Everything we do involves keeping track of or managing our time, including 'making' time for hourselves.

As Time's Children We make the decisions on how we spend hour time, who we spend it with, and our relationships with all things. What we call our Free Will. It is that Free Will that defines US all as gods regarding our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and actions.

This is the simple Truth of Our Existence and Relationship with Our Creator.

What is Love? Love is All Emotion.
Thanks to Eminem:
E represents Eve, Our Universe:
If you are moving toward her seeking balance and Harmony you are generating energies promoting growth and evolution, if away from harmony generating enerigies suppressing growth and understanding.

Our understanding of Love as humans is fairly vague and riddled with corrupt ideals of identiy and value which society feeds us from birth. Most of this stems from the neglect to focus on the power of thoughts and emotions throughout each education level.
Anyone who has ever experienced a difficult relationship understands that when you Love someone your feelings can run the full gambit from 'Just get out," to 'Please don't go" in a heartbeat. We also know we each hold the capacity to do far worse than hurt each other's feelings, and worse that these abuses are hidden and secretly accepted by evil willed human beings.
Because of this,
eye classify all Emotion,
as in the ability to experience + express them,
As LovE,
Signifying both potential energies within us.
What we Choose to Express, how we express it, and how our interactions with others affect each other determines the 'type' of energies we are projecting in everything we do.
To Love they Neighbor is to be Understanding with each other and acting accordingly.
People struggle with concept of Being Love, yet people do it every single day. Our teachers, our protectors, our artist, our writers, our dreamers, and most importantly our children. Our Purpose to Embody Love is Obvious within hour Children. From birth our primary form of communication, growth, and understanding is empathy through our interactions of and with our parents. These experiences shape and mold our foundation for understanding ourselves and the greater world around us.

Our Understanding of Love is based upon perceptions/perspectives complicated by a battle of the sexes.

To Embody Love is to set your Will to Love others by default, adjusting according to the situation.

Right Now it means Uniting together and Changing our World to a Place where no child is starving or suffering in poverty.

If Changing Our World seems too daunting,
Change yourself.

If you can knotravel far, be Love for those you Encounter; that could be a simple smile for someone u don't normally interact with, not going off and letting some issue go, listening when someone is in need, or destroying that which threatens the safety of those you Love, especially our children.

This is the basic foundation four existence, our purpose, and a path forward toward growing and evolving as a species.
On an individual level:
Love iSETernaLife, Anything else returns to NoThinGod according to their works.

I mustop here for now because I work in the morning, but will add more when eye can if that is ok.
For now,
I hope you enjoyed what eye have shared here and pray it brings you clarity in the days to come.
Thank you for allowing me share this with all of you.
May LovEver Guide You and Keep You AllWays.



© JustuSean