

The beauty of the love Jesus
The beauty of Jesus there's beauty all around us are you missing the beauty because of your state of metal or emotional strain or suspense do you let your problems captivate you oh me or my I feel so sorry for myself don't you realize you are incarcerated sentence to life and to die I witness to a lot of people about Jesus people say I don't want to hear it I'm okay or I'm all set this is a proven fact you put an animal in a cage never opened the cage door except the feed it and give it water close the cage door again after a long period of time you open the door and leave it open the animal doesn't realize he's set free that animal will not come out of his cage and he's set free Jesus set you free salvation is a free gift of God if you if you don't accept his salvation your living in your sins you missed the beauty of God's creation and Jesus salvation John 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.❤️