

I used to not give much thought to the word, because to me it was just a fleeting feeling one had for a moment. Happiness is something elusive, if your able to get it it tends to drift again as quickly as a cool breeze escaping the freezer on a hot day.

We are to blame, as a species once we attain something be it a new job or new relationship we're quick to become relaxed then a small comment by a co-worker or time requirement becomes a nuisance and the significant other becomes a sadly a burden.

So again we aren't happy, and to be happy we look for another job or partner.

Is it fair? Is my happiness more valuable than yours? Why can't I be willing to stay still?
Does happiness have to be at a cost?

What happened to contentment?

Being content that what is in front of you is your ration what you do with it will depend on how much happiness you get.

We don't stop and look at what's in front of us, we don't allow ourselves to just relish the happiness and know it'll drift again as all things do and appreciate what we got to experience.

© CM