

Mystery of Life
Chap - 1 Fighting for love

Do you believe in "fighting for love"?
Do you see the worth in giving your time and see the result of sacrifice, pain, longing, harsh days and etc?

In today's generation we never think about making sacrifice by own rather expect the other person to do that. We never wait or give time rather be impatient and search for the next possible best option. We always expect the other person to be the best whilst overlooking all the mistakes and imperfectionism of our own. We generally be very happy to accompany in those honeymoon periods of life but as the time turns it's ugly phase we start pulling away, assuming all the hardships are being dealt with us only but forget about the other person whose hands can be trembling in search of someone to hold and lead them along too. For all the things, we always felt that the victim is us but we often forget to asserts our own contribution.

We see quotes like"if the person likes you they will be available to you all time, say that he love you all the time and drop everything to come to you whenever you summon" and etc. What happens in those moments after reading? You lose your own conscience and let yourself connect with the words which customise your reaction towards the situation. People read these stuff and feels connected but never cease for a moment to think the situation can be reverse. Your own person may exactly think what you are thinking. Your other half can expect to receive the love just like you want. Can you really judge a person's love on the basis of how many times the person has said the sweet words? You expect your person to dropped everything to attend when you summon, can you do it? We never see the flip side of a coin.

To me yes! Yes, it's worth the sacrifice and fighting for love. We can see our parents and grandparents who have successful long years of relationship while having their own fair share of tough times but what they did which our generation lack is being patient, understanding and not jumping to the next available option rather give each other space to mend the broken thread. They respected the value of each other!

Yes there are people whom we shall let go and better cut the ties rather than hoping to mend but it shall be on your own decisions not outside influence. I believe we are the one who's going to spend rest of our life with the decision we make today so the critic and conclusion should be from us as well.

© ak.kristinrose

#relationships #lifeadvice #LifeQuote #writerforlife