

Leah's Locket 7
As Leah disappeared into a new world she was amazed, but then she saw a lady with a long dress Leah was curious.

"Why hello there Leahana" the lady smiled and said,"Hello but it's only Leah" Leah corrected her. "No here you will be called Leahana" The woman made it clear. Ya sure but your name is? "I am Madam Luna" "madam Luna said high and mighty. So why am I here?" Leah asked curiously. "We have a secret to tell you" Madam Luna said. "Sure go ahead" Leah said strangely. "I'm your grandmother, and I Luna have ice Powers so you can move things with your mind and you have powerful ice powers" "Wait you are my mom's mom that's weird" Leah was confused. "Yes darling you have more powers you just haven't unlocked them yet" Madam Luna made them clear. "Omg I have a grandmother" Leah shouted excitedly. "Yes dear but don't tell your mom and come here everyday at after school we will train you" madam Luna said. Sure anything for my grandma.

Leah was about to leave and heard this " Thanks for giving her the chance" and Leah left.

That was so fun to write....
what do you think is gonna happen next🤔🤔🤔