

The virus
The virus spread far and wide, eliminating everything that stood in its way.the virus was to strong it had killed over 500,000,000 Million people the cure was dragon blood,but everyone said Dragons don't exist,but one person said they exit that was Harris.Everyone said he is Mad.One day Harris Left home to try to find an Antidote/Cure.So he went to the land of the dead,it is said to have the most deadly animals/parasites,No one knew but Harris was a warrior/Fighter so he so a huge figure flying around the clouds,but he wasn't sure if it was a dragon,he so a infected bear to he killed it and ate it.the a earthquake happend it was a dragon landing on the ground,so he fought the dragon and the dragon hit him and then he killed the dragon and drunk it's blood,and he kept some too.But Harris never told anyone because they didn't believe in him.

© Farhaan.yass