

Those days😊
The days of slate and chalk,
Are not easy to erase,
They hold memories,
Of my childhood,
Childhood is a promise,
that is never kept.”
Childhood is a memory,
that everyone longs to live again
A memory in which even mistakes seemed innocent
That fun also seemed loving
When he was an innocent child, he hoped to grow up, and today at the same moment he thinks that maybe you would not have grown up
Today my little fun is considered my crime which was once my innocence,
Today the world judges me
I had dreams in my childhood,
I wanted to grow up and there was a competition and I lost my childhood somewhere in winning the competition of this life
Today I am running, the only difference in the same competition is that yesterday I was running ahead to win and today I am running like a child to get peace,that happiness,peace is missing somewhere
That sweet memory turned into a dream,
my childhood just woke up in the morning,
just like a dream is shattered, it just stayed in my mind.
Maybe I wish my dream my childhood came true from dreams again

© feelshr❤️