

C'est La Vie
On the first day of training Güzel was very happy as she completed the trials with no difficulty. Her competitor in the trials was Haya. She got jealous of her initial success. She took Güzel as one of her biggest enemy.
Yılmaz was working as waiter in a restaurant. He sold his car to pay the admission fee of Güzel in horse racing training club. He had also saved some money for hard time which was used then. He was working day and and night to help Güzel achieving her dreams.
But everything was not that easy.
It's easy to have dreams but it is far more difficult to achieve it. Güzel was very lucky as she had such a caring uncle but sometimes life becomes so cruel and leaves us empty handed and alone with our defeat.
After washing the dishes he was returning to his apartment , some gang members with heavy guns in there hand surrounded him. One of them place the loaded gun on his temple and  thieved the envelope from his hand. When the gang member returned to his companions they start firing at him and they left Yılmaz to die. He was bleeding profusely but there were no one to help him.
Before returning to his apartment Yılmaz was very happy because it was 15th of Feb, the day when Güzel was born. He wanted to give her a surprise by giving her a branded training suit for racing. He wanted to tell her that he woul arrange the next month fee very soon. He had also borrowed some money from his manager and also received his pay on that day. But it was all what he wanted to do, not what his fate allowed him to do.
You know what humans are wonderful creatures of God. They can face every situation. They can live with deep wounds. They can live with a dead soul. This is what I hate about humans. This is what I hate about life. Why it creates such circumstances?
Well. "C'est la vie"