

the payoff (like Charmin but spelled different)
When the others made a joke of my love, and my loyalty, and stepped on my very heart,
(and then wiped the mud from their feet on me to make certain the deed was complete,)
and the family we're all given, didn't quite go that way for me
I had a payoff, bigger than these things-she's like the best sex and winning the lottery.
imagine a life, so filled with regret,
one can barely see
a past, full with the bounty
of the consequences such living can bring
and in the middle, a gift, wrapped in solid gold just for being me
She's the light at the end of the tunnel, the one you helped dig for yourself
but she's coming with the stuff that's more precious than anything else and she's here at the ready to help
this is a woman with the heart anyone could easily adore
a woman with sufficient troubles in the life she's made and what's more
the words you've always wanted to hear come with the most beautiful girl, reassuring, comforting, refreshing, life giving much needed words, galore...
I'd have died without those words, to be sure..
I hope she'll never know, how close it was, and I hope I'm somehow, someway, somewhat,half as good to her.
life has clearly blessed me with the very best things, all the best things in her.

© JennJ