

The violinist 🎻
✨One day I was traveling to a village which is very far from my home,I have to travel by the ship to reach there,many others are travelling with me,I noticed everyone all are wealthy people's around me...I heard there voices that they all are murmuring about how rich they are! there planning about travelling each and every place in the world...some one I saw he is planning how to become more powerful and wealthy,he already a wealthy person but he had a thirst of money,... after sometime I felt so hungry,I went to the kitchen were all are busy in having meals,I sat at the chair in the corner of that room, yummy vegetable soup is serving,my mouth became watery because it's my favourite,I was about to eat suddenly I hard a small voice, it's a voice of a small kid who us staring at me and at my soup his star like eye's made me amazed that kid is in rags,no shoes,red hairs,I felt so sorry for him because just in front of my table there is a room where very wealthy people's and kid's having food,there I saw a wealthy kid with perfect clothes, polished shoes, hairs with oil in it, having his favourite food on the table,I called that poor kid and offered him a chair and I'm about to feed him that vegetable soup with my hands suddenly I heard a noise-stop!!!it was the poor kid father,I felt sorry for him too,he is also in rags,his face look's like he is hungry over a week,I told him to eat something and I'll pay for them,he called his kid by his side and he refused to take anything from me,he told me he is capable of working by his own and is happy with his earnings he don't want to get any mercy with others,he is a violinist in the ship,he played the nice piece of music but no one cared for his music, because he is poor and all are rich they are busy in there own world,I offered him food, money and clothes but he refused to take,the music is just awesome I recorded that music in my taperecorder,no one cared for his music but I'm unable to come out of the Hangover of his music I stand up from my chair and clapped for him,I called him and asked how did he learnt I felt very sad when I heard that he has lost his wife when she is giving birth to his son,his wife use to stay hungry even at the time of his pregnancy,so after giving birth to his son she closed her eyes forever,he loved his wife very much so he didn't married another girl, being a single parent he started working, but his master didn't pay him his money instead of it he use to give him leftover food, one day he decided to leave that place and he came to work in ships finally he saw a violin in a store room the violin is totally broken he took it and he fixed the violin and he just started playing it thinking about her wife,he use to eat the leftover food in the ship after cleaning the kitchen,I gave him some money for playing the nice piece of music but again he refused to take, there is many varieties of leftover food that the rich people's and there children's have left but he didn't take that food then the owner of that ship gave some breads which are out of date and expired,he closed his eyes,he thanked God,he ate a slice and some of the slices he gave to his son, it is time for me to get out of the ship at the end I was at the sandy beach and the ship is going far from me along with the sunset I say the man and his son playing a violin and the people's who don't care are in there own world without knowing what is going own,I always listen to that music played by the poor violinist which I have been recorded in my taperecorder,I don't know why I use to think about them even after so many years passed,it is still a fresh memory in my mind...I didn't met them again but I hope the son of that person is just like his dad and he will be a great violinist 🎻❤️
© Eve