

Mr. Intense Eyes
Our story begins with Lily describing Carter Corporations. Lily describes the corporation as "one of New York's most influential firms", and describes the building as a "high glass building marked with its founder's name in capital letters and its personnel all spruced up. Lily then mentions that her current job position as communication's assistant was one that she was wishing for since the end of her studies. She also mentions that she works as a team with Matt.

An extravagant party was thrown in celebration of the corporation's anniversary and took up two floors of the building. After the party, Lily, Lisa, and Matt are found downstairs. Lisa suggests the idea of spending the rest of the night at Starlite's, a typical meetup bar for the group of three. After Lisa hails a taxi, Lily realizes that she left her bag in the building. She quickly leaves to retrieve her bag as her friends wait for her.

Lily attempts to enter the building, only for the security guard to block her entry. She thought of her options, that she can choose between showing the guard an official badge or by persuading him with "puppy-dog eyes", though none work. Lily then relies on the help of Mark Leviels to enter the building.

Lily feels as if something strange is about to take place before stepping into the elevator. She silently plays a romance game on her phone until the elevator stops at another floor. Desperate to retrieve her bag as soon as possible, she shows a bit of irritation. A man enters the elevator, and Lily notices the physical appearance of the man through the corner of her eye. She describes the man as wearing an elegant suit with an athletic looking build, subtle perfume, and hands that would belong to a young man. Lily was never able to take a direct look at the man's face.

Suddenly, the motor of the elevator stops, leaving the Lily and the young man in a dark elevator. After her phone runs out of battery, the idea of only two people - her and the attractive young man - left in the elevator excites her.

After sharing a passionate moment with each other, "the return to reality was brutal", as she describes it.
Nonetheless, they parted ways, leaving Lily in confusion about the identity of the stranger.
© Vivian