

Who knows What's Out there Be watching
I was out at night and ran up the corner ducking and tryin to get that night time walk on. Where a man came down the security stairs to the parking lot. and he scared me but once I scene he was just going home I was ok. Then as I moved I saw the lady sitting out I guess she was trying to get some quiet time. Then as I walked up she moved as if I scared her. But no I was just going to the store. Then be I was in the liquor store an about 8 nice looking men got in a car. I guess they was on there way to a party.
So they got in the car and I went up the
ramp and went in. Then in the store I got my juices I do alot of juicing because I want to remain heathly. But miss thing came in the place and was like
laughing like a joke was told and I was like holy Lord hold my tongue. An I am still a work in progress as most know.
But I had to let it roll of my back.
And once I was out side I started to
chase the car. And the man had a face like my boyfriend and I was like what is he doing with the women joking me.
So I chased the car but they got away.
So I sat on the bench and An left an
upsetting message but if the phone
is off how is he going to hear it.
Well one day maybe to late. So I got drunk of juice and looked at everybody.
And some people was putting there
lights up at me. So the time past night was here so I got up and went in. But as soon as I did I washed everything and went back to bed. But when I wake up
will it have been a dream or will the phone of the stolen lover still be off.
The people in my building want to jail the wrong person they tell out all hours of the night the other tenants don't tell the truth about it and they say they don't here it and it's free speech. But no when you use my name An then call police on me. An told a guy to not say
any thing to me and that he messed up.
When the bad guys out side and bad tenants was trying to frame me. I just feel like .Can I grieve because my kin just past so I am getting over that with now help from hmm oh well holy Lord
help with this one.

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