TRIP UPSTAIRS (epilogue)
I deleted the other ending to this because, I had thought that I wrote it in my notes before transfering it to this app. because i didn't title it, but some how, the first sentence became the title, and I couldn't edit it once I posted it. So, it wasn't in my notes, and im writing it again. Hey, maybe this way, it'll have an alternate ending. Not likely.
So there i was, sitting squarely, and cross legged on the very center of the couch so my feet were out of harms way. The reason for this was because I saw spiders, gnats, and other creepy crawlers everywhere. I had turned on every light I could, because the spiders and whatever the shadow loving bugs were, they weren't too crazy about being in the light.
This was just one of the many times when I phoned home to get back there during those times when I had become a real danger to myself. My mother lived under an hour away. I didn't move around anywhere in my apartment that entire wait, and just sat on that couch batting fruit flies away from my face as they kept dive bombing me and buzzing relentlessly by my ears
Mom came right into my place without knocking. She didn't have to ever knock, but that was just the way she was. She was kind, considerate, and so helpful to most everyone. But unlike alot of us, if someone does bad things to her, she would forgive, but she would let it be known that she doesn't like that behavior, and ask nicely to not bring people like them around.
She came right up to me and hugged me so tightly I couldn't breath. I had to nudge her a little, sqirming to fight for air, started pushing her away, cause I did I did it again, I hurt my mom. She was so worried, she hit me with all the questions she could, in which should give her enough of the answers to her need in alleviating her fears, not so much the pain i caused her.
A minute later, she asked me where my coat and shoes were, and I pointed towards my bedroom, telling her it was to the right around the corner. She bent down in front of me when she returned with my socks, shoes and coat. As she was putting my shoes on my feet, i started to bat away the fruit flies again. I asked her why she didn't seem to mind the flying bugs, and she said, "what bugs?" They were every where! As I'm swatting at the gnats, I'm trying to convince her that im not crazy and kept asking her, if she's serious about not seeing the...