

It's time
Ring ring ring" hello I'm five minutes away I said to detective Adams.ill be ready detective Adams told me. boy was I nervous as hell I don't need any fuck ups ill kill him myself.he had to go I thought to myself, as I pulled up to detective Adams house and beep the horn. detective Adams came running out of the house. let's go come on remember to stay on my lead. just take your time don't it we need him to cooperate 100%. we need him on the stand we just don't do want a warrant for bubba arrest. we want him to get put away for good. I told Detective Adams. as I texted.joey I'll be to you in 15 minutes make sure you headshot him.if not he will shoot back and put you down. if you want to walk live make sure he's dead. i got a text back saying ok.im here were walking in. my heartbeat so fast I hope these junkies were on their game. I thought to myself now detective Adams. follow my 6'in police code that's watching my back. ok detective Adams said let's make it clean. as we walked in the warehouse it was the biggest moment of my life.come on follow me detective b.boonie told detective Adams.