

Once there was a boy named Raghav who lived in Kanpur. He was a little different from others. He was very egoistic which is why he had no friends. This attitude of his created problems for him both in school as well as in house. He was a boy whom everybody disliked and no one ever talked with him. He had a very bad habit that whatever his fault was he never said ‘sorry’ to anyone. One day in school he took a pencil from his fellow classmate and then the boy started crying. The headmaster was passing by the corridor. On seeing the boy crying, he went to him and asked what had happened. The boy could not express the matter properly as he was full of tears. His voice was very faint. The headmaster offered him a glass of water and said him to sit on the bench. The boy sat down and drank the water. He regained his normal voice and stated everything to the headmaster. The headmaster did not become angry but rather said Raghav to say sorry to the boy and return him his pencil. He returned the pencil to him but regretted to say sorry. The headmaster repeated to say sorry but he wouldn’t say it. At last being fed up, the headmaster called his parents. His mother arrived but his father couldn’t as he had gone for a business tour. The headmaster stated Raghav’s mischief and his bad behaviour towards all, including the headmaster himself. The boy’s mother tried her best to keep calm. After the school was over and Raghav was in his house, his mother started scolding him. “You don’t know what it feels like when I have to go to your school to hear complain against you. I feel such ashamed in front of everyone. Every parent wants their children to flourish their name; but we fear that someday you may make our name worse.” “But mom you only said me that you want to be known as MY mother; and see, everyone of our school now knows you as MY mother.” Raghav interrupted. “Yes, but they know me as the mother of a bad undisciplined child like you. I wanted to be known for your good deeds and not for your mischief.” There was a BANG on the door as soon as her mother finished. The door shut open and in came Raghav’s father. His mother, who till now was scolding Raghav for his mischief, explained each and everything to his father. His father, being a calm man, sat down on the sofa and then said Raghav to come near. He counselled him for about half an hour and then asked for tea to his wife. His father’s lectures had no effect on Raghav, who was an extremely arrogant child. He still remained firm with his ego and continued his mischief. His mischief increased more and more as he grew up. The teachers were fed up with him and his parents had no idea what to do.
Raghav screamed with all his might from inside the washroom, “Where’s my towel.” His mother, who was cooking food, quickly washed her hands and rushed to give the towel to his son. After completing his bath, Raghav came out from the washroom and screamed at his mother, “Mom, how can you be so irresponsible?” His mom, who was now washing the dishes, remained silent. He told her many things that deeply hurt her. She ran from the kitchen weeping and entered the bedroom and locked it from inside. After about half an hour Raghav knocked the door and asked his mother to give lunch. It was all silent. Finally when his mom came out he started scolding her again. He saw tears in her eyes but that did not stop him from scolding her; he was such a cruel man. Her mother served him the lunch. While he was eating her mother swapped her hand on his dry hair. This disturbed him and he said, “Mom, why are you doing that. Do you still love me? Even after knowing that I am a cruel and undisciplined man?” “You won’t understand it dear! For a mother her child can never be bad. He may be regarded as cruel, undisciplined, inhuman, or whatever else by the society; but for a mother he is always good.” This had a little effect on his egoistic behaviour and made him think for the first time that whether the things he was doing was right or not. He asked his mother, “What if then I die tomorrow?” “NEVER TELL THAT DEAR!” “Why?” he asked. “You won’t understand. It’s all about a mother’s feelings.” On hearing to his mother, he, who was completely dependent on her, said “But it won’t cause me any problem if YOU die tomorrow?” “Really? Will it really not cause any problem to you?” “No” he chuckled. He had said it as a joke but it wasn’t the same that was regarded by his mother. She took it so seriously, that THE NEXT DAY:
When Raghav woke up, he went to his mother’s room to see if his mother had woken up. Last day’s incident had left a lasting impression on the young guy. He felt that he has realised his mistakes and was ready to confess them to his mother and apologise to her by saying ‘sorry’ for the first time in his life. He had made his mind steadfast to speak the word never spoken before. He reached his mother’s room and knocked at the door and waited for a few moments. When his mother did not open the door he came in and WHAT DID HE SEE?
His mother was lying in the bed with blood rippling from her veins. A knife lay beside his mother with blood on its tip. He fell to his knees and cried his heart out. Everything in front of him went black. He soon realised what a big mistake he had done and now there was no option of correcting it. He had lost the most precious person in his life: HIS MOTHER. Ambulance was immediately called. The neighbours came and gave the boy hope. His mother was taken to the hospital but till then she had breathed her last. The boy could not sleep that night repenting on his faults. The next day too he wasn’t ready to sleep but his father made him sleep. Sleep came lately to the young boy that night and along with it came an unexpected thing. That night the boy dreamt of his mother. He found himself in a world of Nothingness where all around him was white. His mother came to him and hugged him tightly. The boy broke into tears on seeing her. He had always wanted to apologise to his mother since that day but he knew it was not possible. But now he had received a golden opportunity to apologise in front of his mother. He fell on his knees and uttered the word never spoken before, “I.... am.... sorry....” His mother held the boy by his shoulders and lifted him up, saying, “Don’t you remember, I said you that no child is ever bad for her mother.” Having said it, his mother gave him a kiss and started moving away. He screamed with full rage and called his mother but it was of no use. She was gone. His dream suddenly broke and he found himself on his bed, covered with blankets. He tried to remember what had happened with him but could not figure out all the things. He had dreamt of a dream which was more realistic than real life. He suddenly put his hand on his cheek and found something rough. He went near the mirror and observed it. To his astonishment he saw that there was a kiss mark on his cheek. It was the kiss mark of his mother. He could not understand what the truth was but from then onwards the incident totally changed him. He had finally apologised to his mother but it was already too late.

Raghav became a great businessman in the future. He is said to have said: Today, whatever I am, it is due to the immense sacrifice of my mother. She sacrificed her life to make mine successful. I devote all my success to her. If I ever get the golden opportunity to be reborn I would wish to god to make her my mother.

MORAL: Confess whatever is in your mind before it gets too late.
