

Patience the greatest virtue.
12 August 2021.
Welcome to the Jawahar Lalla blogs page.
You can also connect with me on the @Jawaharlala blogs page on FB & Instagram Ig: JBLwrites & Twitter: Jawahar 7.
Thanks to some readers who responded & commented on my blog yesterday. This makes blogs more interactive & interesting on either side.
In my journey, I have realized that whatever happens, happens at its own time. Patience is the key. We can only be observers in some situations.
A sense of quickness is significant to our success, and yet just as crucial to success is our patience. These may seem at first to be contradictory characteristics, but they are not. For we must learn to act with necessity, and react with tolerance. Yes, we reap what we sow - sow with a sense of urgency, and reap with rational patience.
We must have the patience to let our endeavors bear fruit. Nothing worth having can be created immediately. There will be uncertainties, delays disappointments, and setbacks. Patience will help us to put it all into perspective and will give us the perseverance necessary to reach our final goals.
Patience will make us confident and decisive. Patience will help us to avoid stress. Patience will give us a rational outlook that eventually leads to success. It will help us to become more disciplined, and to avoid poor decisions made in haste.
The keys to patience are blessings, acceptance, and faith. Accept things as they are, and look realistically at the situations around us. Have faith in ourselves and in the direction we have chosen to move ahead in our goal path.
@Jawahar Lalla.#jawaharlalla#jawaharlallablogs#Instagram Ig: JBLwrites#patience.
