

Forgotten but not Forgotten
Khalid, the only child of his parents, who was only twenty-three, a school dropout who left school when he was only nineteen because of the influence of peer pressure he became a hooligan and a problem to his mother, his father had died.

Khalid will always wander around with his fellow hooligan friends smoking, drinking and disturbing the neighbourhood, his hooliganism was to the extent of breaking into his school and severely injured a teacher he said to have being wicked to him while he was in school.

Khalid and his friends became the community problem but there was something special about Khalid, he was so smart even his friends envied him at that, though being a hooligan he was intelligent and spoke excellently well.
It was the one main reason his peers lured him out of school because of jealousy.
His friends grew more jealous and envious of him even when they had already rendered his destiny useless, they still wanted to do more to him.

A day came, they planned on how to kill Khalid and they thought this was an only way.
They told Khalid that there was a birthday party they have to attend to and it was that of a mayor's daughter, they have to go there and rob them dry, "there must be a lot of good cash gift there" they made him believe.

He agreed and left on a night, they boarded a bus on the way and entered, they sat at his back while he was sitting at the front, the faces Khalid saw in that bus he wasn't comfortable in it, the bus was on a high speed, he sat down anyways never minding and began thinking of all the robberies him and his guys has embarked on; one of them was breaking his teacher's head, he chuckled within, Mr. Steve he thought: a very grumpy, he would always shout for not getting an answer right, "People you journey with determines the outcome of your destiny" that is what he will always say once he enters the class, people you journey with.... he thought, why do I have to remember this sentence now, it has been a long time ago, I never remembered while now he thought he glanced back at his friends and their face were not telling nice things, the bus was on a speed with no limit.

Who the hell I'm I journeying with he thought, my phone!! he shouted, my phone fell down the road
what do you mean your phone fell down, he's friends asked
it is just down here pls just stop the bus let me pick it up he said but they did not answer, pls he begged.

They signalled the bus to stop and his friends insisted that they will go get the phone while Khalid sit in the bus, Khalid agreed.

His friends opened the door to get out and Khalid flew out of it and ran so fast for his dear life.
#Forgotton lessons #
© ChukwuloFavour