

The visitor..

In a small village nestled among the misty hills of India, lived an old woman named Parvati. Her days were quiet and routine until an unexpected visitor arrived one evening.

It was a stormy night when a weary traveler knocked on Parvati's door seeking shelter. The young man introduced himself as Vikram, a city dweller lost in the wilderness. Parvati, though initially hesitant, welcomed him inside.

As the storm raged outside, Vikram shared his story. He had left the city seeking solace but found himself disoriented in the unfamiliar terrain. Parvati listened intently, offering him warm food and a dry blanket.

In return, Vikram helped Parvati with chores around the house, fixing a leaky roof and gathering firewood. Days turned into weeks, and a bond grew between them. Vikram learned from Parvati's wisdom while she enjoyed his youthful energy.

One morning, the storm cleared, and Vikram prepared to leave. Grateful for her kindness, he promised to return someday. Parvati smiled knowingly, realizing that their encounter was not by chance but a gift from the universe.

Years passed, and Parvati often recalled the fleeting days with Vikram, cherishing the memory of the visitor who brought warmth into her solitary life. Though he never returned, she found solace in the thought that some visitors leave footprints on the heart forever...!!!
© dil ki kalam se.. "paalu"