

Mask 👹😈
The days leading up to the following day I was powerfully instructed and lectured by my lord and my savior Jesus Christ; I sensed "on and off" that the women, the men, and the children I have been living with since I was born were not human and some moments I questioned if whether or not we were related to each other; judging from how well they made me feel like an outsider. I didn't think we were biological relatives at the beginning of this madness and I still do not think that as of right now!! My real family died and was cloned before I was given birth to. They were killed and replaced with something that isn't supposed to be here. What I have for family members in this particular point in time is an artificial substitute. Those are the replacements that was used when the actual source was eliminated!!! The dopplegangers I have grown to know as my kinfolks from the age of a child to a fully grown adult were wearing a fake human costume to look like humans. They did not start the curse that both is and has been oppressing me and my "loved one". We were already cursed from the minute of conception. They are just the result of the curse!! Not the originator but moreso the outcome!!!!!!!
That of what I sensed started as a quick harmless vibe that I gave very little thought about and would quickly come and go every once in a while. The vibe later down the line turned into a thought and the thought changed to a belief after I saw signs of what I had been sensing in the house with them over the years but uncertainty of the beliefs that I had is what kept me quiet. It's like when you strongly feel something and you trust that your feeling is a fact but still do not know for sure if that is the answer to what is happening to you personally.
Rephrasing myself and to better explain what I said; it's like when you know and believe the existing of something but are unsure if it pertains to you!! God's wake up call wasn't meant to inform me of something that I had no clue of. It was to confirm what I already expected and suspected. It was his way of saying, "yes I am correct and yes this is indeed what is going on in my life." It's not that I didn't believe what I felt. I knew it was real and I knew it could be a possibility but I wasn't sure if that was the case in my situation. My epiphany was confirmational. It wasn't informational. Obviously you guys are not excellent at pretending as you think you are with your godlike mentality!!! The art of pretending and the goal of pretending is to imitate something so perfectly that other people can't tell the copycat from the real thing. Why did I find out what you are and what you're up to???? Shouldn't I be clueless as I was back then!? I wouldn't have discovered your secret occult tradition; if you didn't suck so bad and were not terrible actors and actresses! None of you transformers could have a job in the field of acting. Your career would end in a heartbeat!! It was not only because of god confirming the truth to me. Your horrendous stage performance is what played a part in my disovery besides the spiritual awakening.
Letter A.) Real humans do not eat the same food or drink the same beverages for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every week, every month, and every year unless it is because of a rational reason or unless they are in a critical crisis where they have no choice; otherwise they would not dare do something inhumane like that!! A person who has the freedom to decide whatever they want whenever they are hungry is most likely going to change their choices!! Sometimes they might crave one of their favorites that they enjoy eating more than anything else, or maybe they might wanna try something new that they've never eaten before, and on the other hand; there could be times when they might wanna eat something that they are familiar with but is not a favorite and do not mind eating it even though it's not!
Letter B.) Real humans do not teleport to their desired destination!! A person uses their legs to walk to where they need to go, but if it's not walking distance; they would get into a car, ride a bike, or take a bus!!! Dissappearing out of sight and reappearing in sight is not a human capability!! People who are unable to walk because of a physial complication; would have a wheelchair, a pair of crutches, or etc...
Letter C.) Real humans can not make things happen with their mind or with the words that they speak!! You are not a human being if you say something and it comes true after you say it!!! 1st Example: You compliment someone's hair and their hair slowly starts to fall out until they are completely bald but their hair was healthy and fine before you complimented it.... 2nd Example: You say that you are feeling dizzy and shortly after; the person you were talking to all of a sudden experiences dizziness but nothing was wrong with them and they were okay before you said anything about how you felt. The statements that are said by a real human being isn't supposed to cause strange things to happen.
Letter D.) Real humans do not automatically know what other people are thinking in their head at all times and they do not already know off the bat what other people are going to do or say before they actually do it or say it. Special people who are born with a gift can predict things at certain times but not all day long or every single day!! That's impossible for any person to be able to figure out!!!!!!
Letter E.) Real human beings do not mimick each other unless they are joking or being sarcastic!! An average person is not going to intimate someone else or do the same routine every second throughout each and every day. Human beings will reach a point when they will start gettting tired of the same old thing or they will start wanting to change their daily habits, and let me remind you that no human being in the world is just alike. Every person has a different personality, a different mindset, a different way of talking, a different set of opinions, and everything else!!
Letter F.) In addition to letter A, real humans do not "cop an attitude" or make excuses to avoid answering the question when someone politely advises them to buy something different to eat or when they are asked why they eat the same food everyday unless the person is asking in a rude manner!
Letter G.) Real humans do not kick a person out of their house or out of a public place if the person hasn't done anything wrong and if they have no evidence to prove that the person is responsible for whatever they are being accused of.... Nor would they kick them out without giving some sort of explanation as to why they are doing it!! Humans rely on proof and reasoning. They make decisions based on what they can see or what they can hear with their ears and with their own two eyes!!! Plus they would take the time to discuss a problem with someone and hear their side of the story before jumping the gun!!
Letter H.) Real humans do not focus all of their attention on somebody else!! No one spends the majority of their time analyzing what someone chooses to wear every single day or where they choose to go, and they do not highlight every bodily flaw that they have or every action they make and everything they say; including their mannerism!!!!!!!
Letter I.) You are not human if you throw overdramatic anger fits that are out of control towards another person; just because they are doing something they like to do that bothers you. A real human being would calmly walk away and would not come back until the person is completely finished doing whatever it is that they hate and can't stand, or if not; they would stay and try to distract themselves with something that helps take their mind off of what the other person is doing!! A guy or a female who is 100 percent human would not intentionally stick around and have psychotic angry episodes right in front of the person or to the person directly. Humans do not fuss or make a huge commotion because of other people's hobbies or their interests, and they do not act like a fucking fool every time they see someone doing something that they disagree with or disapprove of. They would mind their business and keep to themselves, but if they feel that they need to voice a concern; they would intelligently explain to the person that you have an issue with what they are doing. After the first discussion; they would leave it alone and never mention it to them anymore!!
Letter J.) A real human doesn't scream and panic or quickly run away when they see another person standing nearby or walking near them unless the person did something to make them feel scared or uncomfortable but if he or she is innocent; they shouldn't have a reason to.
Letter K.) Real humans would not try to stop another person from using the bathroom! Peeing and pooping is something that all people must do. Any human who isn't a creature pretending to be a human being would understand that releasing urine and releasing feces is a natural thing that is mandatory and they would understand that holding it could make a person sick or cause harm to the body.
Letter L.) A real human has no need to hate someone or to not like someone if the person hasn't done anything to cause them to feel that way and especially if the person doesn't know them. You do not come across a stranger in public or approach someone who isn't a stranger to you and start randomly disrespecting them and trying to pick a with fight them!! A person does not get mad at another person for no reason or for things that are small, pointless, and not worth arguing about or can be resolved. It's not necessary or appropriate to fly off the handle and explode!!
Now can you see what a human is and how a human behaves!?? It's definitely not your deranged version of what you assumed was a human being!!!! What crazy thing in your mind told you humanoids that it was cool and socially acceptable for humans to act the way you have been presenting yourselves or that it was a great way to keep angels from knowing that you're not real!??? You all had the wrong impression of a human being and you were way off course!! Those characteristics you displayed were not human traits!! Your lack of education on how the human brain operates was the ultimate mistake that led you to get caught "red handed." The rig is outed and I have nothing else to say other than I feel sorry for all of you. Was it really worth the travel???......And what about the makeovers? Was it worth it too!? I wouldn't know anything about that since it is far out of my league and out of the league of the beings that are of my kind but I'm sure it must be exhausting. Traveling century after century and changing your look to a variety of appearances that are best presentable to your victims and to society to "fit in" with the rest of us in the world! When one look doesn't get you what you want; you try another look and you don't stop making alterations to body or to your face until you find the right physical image that works fabulously! I must say..... That is a huge obligation to manage!!!! Sailing past several dimensions to make it to this life here on earth with people that are automatically human and to keep switching your hairstyle, your eye color, your skin color, your height, your voice, and etc! Basically your entire identity has to be renewed over and over again!!! Seems like you all have a lot of valuable time and energy on your hands to let it go to waste by taking yourselves through the trouble of morphing and traveling; just to have your cover blown by someone smart like me; at the snap of a finger!! Doesn't that defeat the purpose of your legacy??? It is for nothing if nothing is gained!! #dopplegangers #costumes #inhuman #copycat #mask #halfhuman #hybrids #morphing #shapeshifting #timetravelers
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