

Jealous of your Job
Write a short story with the word "Jealousy" as the main theme.

Roman walked in into his home after a long day expecting a warm embrace from his wife but she was no where to be found, he tried calling out her name but no response then he remembered that she has been giving him silent treatment for some couple of days now. So he headed upstairs only to his wife in the bedroom watching videos.

Babe why are you doing this? Roman asked
Katherine ignored, he moved closer to her but she moved to the other side of the bed.
KATE! Roman shouted angrily, don't even dare to shout at me she replied with a glare, so what is wrong Roman asked, I'm jealous she replied, where is the jealousy coming from? and what are you jealous about? I'm jealous about your job, Katherine replied, my job?? Roman was confused,
Yesterday, you made me feel special
Made me blush hard
Made me smile like a fool
And told me how my everything inch belongs to you.
Today, you push me aside
Ignore my texts and then reply late
Act cold
Then blame the situation.
Tomorrow, you scold me
Speak harshly
Smile as if nothing is wrong
Then leave.
A day after, you come back and smile
As if nothing is wrong
Claim every inch of my skin
And I will fill foolishly give in
Before dawn you are gone again
No calls nor texts
And I always foolishly wait , Katherine let out a breath after saying how she felt, so you gave me silent treatment because you were jealous about my job Roman asked to be sure again, yes she replied, Kate are you being serious we have been married for eight years now with a child, and now you complain of this Roman tired to control his anger, do you have an issue with that Kate asked, I don't know what to say to you or what to do but anyways I'm sorry and I will try not to cheat on you with my job Roman spoke in clear disbelief, Katherine smiled and hugged him

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