

The Last Cherry Blossom
The last cherry blossom stubbornly stuck to its branch. Today was the day many of the cherry blossoms would lose the will to hang on. The windstorm is strong with a single purpose of removing all the leaves and blossoms from all the trees. Today is the first day of fall, and everything will fall… Except her.

The wind tossed all the weaker flowers about, showering the world in white, pink and lilac flower petals. The kaleidoscope of colors was beautiful, if not a little heartbreaking. She didn’t want fall to take over the world. She was pink, and now all the fall leaves are turning red, yellow and orange. There is no use for her color anymore…

It smelled like heaven and looked like soft snow. It was a delicate dance of the changing of the seasons. Next year, it will start all over again.

But still the last blossom refused to let go. She had a greater purpose. She knew she did, and if she could hold on just a little longer, she would be rewarded.

After the storm passed, a young man came outside with his sweetheart, holding hands and looking around dismayed. But then he looked up to her tree and smiled.

“Look. There is one left!” he cheered.

“How strong she must be,” the young girl praised the blossom.

The young man picked the flower, and she let go willingly.

He placed the flower in her hair and beamed down at his love. “Just like you,” he said and kissed her on the forehead gently.

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