

On Life's Pain(s) And Social-Media..
#PardonTheAnalObservation #JustThinkingAloud
I wonder how some people are so self-absorbed that they (I have been there, done that, T.B.H.) keep posting and sharing the kinda content that they can leverage emotionally.. Anything that gives them brownie-points of attention, sympathy or mindspace of Tom, Dick and Harry.. I personally have stopped sharing my debacles and incidents of how I was underserved at some point in life.. It is not worth the time, unless it is out of help or concern for another person.. It is because, social-networks can not only increase your suffering, but also make others unduly frustrated and insecure out of mindless comparison.. And, that is where we are going wrong.. Celebrating each and every phase of life may sound like undoable or untenable, but social-media is definitely not the space for your self-pity and self-loathing.. Keep that for some other day, platform or company.. Also because, people can like/heart/boost any damn post, the reality about which is underlying acknowledgement and/or understanding.. The Like button has got nothing to do with you actually approving or endorsing anybody's life-events.. It is just a way of showing interest.. Why give anybody the jitters? I understood this and I choose positivity, R.N. .. After all, kindness begins with me..
© indeedshiny05