

"Epitome of Love"

Epitome: as defined by Webster's a person or thing that typical or possesses to high degree the features of a whole class. A highly representative example of a type, class or characteristic. Also as a summary of written work a brief summary of a place of writing.
Love is the deepest form of compassion and affection you feel for someone; sometimes a desire that builds inside of you that cannot be expressed in words. It is often difficult for a man/woman to define love. Love can defined in different ways, it can be different varieties and forms. No one can give a proper definition of "what love is or what it truly means".
Romantic love which is a deep, intense, unending sensation of emotions for someone you love or you're in love with. The kind of love that makes your emotions and feelings run like they are a rampage through out your body.
Platonic love is the kind of love or affection you, would have for a friend.
Psychology portrays love as a cognitive phenomenon with a social cause.
1 Corinthians 3:8
Love never fails, but whether there prophecies they will fail, whether there are tongues, they will cease whether there is knowledge it will never vanish away. And now faith, hope, love abide these three but the greatest of these is love.
Even though we as humans fail, but love never fails. Everyone has their own idea of of " what love is". Finally, finding real love is a one and a million chance, but someone who loves you for you, past your faults and insecurities....
Who not only tell you he loves you but shows you.