

A devil dream
Today I slept to late and I saw a devil dream which made so fearfull.
I saw that my sister's mobile and mine is fall on the street and I went to bring it back but I couldn't.
someone has kidnapped me and I went in a technology world type metro rail. I took someone help to find the right way to go my home and a aunty tell me that now your home is 4 to 5 hours far from here then I scared .
I tell her no and stopped somewhere and ran very fast but couldn't find right way . A women came to me and tell now you can't go from here ,now you will live here then I scare to much .
I tell her to let me go ,I want to meet my mom and i cry badly but she didn't listen me.
Then she gave me a work to teach children and in night she locked me in a room .
I beg her daily but she didn't listen.
One day something good happen.
one of my friend help me and I ran away from there somewhere..she email me with warning to come back .
I went to the other staff member family member and tell them full story .they were with me .
I went to my aunt's home and stay there ,then my mom came to meet me and I cry badly to saw my mom.....
then I woke up with scary face and realized it was a devil dream.
© nehachoudhary