

My True Self Episode 2 😉😁

One if the guy dragged Loveth and they were discussing, Loveth was seriously blushing, he then held her waist and the kissed her, she waved him and she came to meet us, I asked what their names are, she said the one I bumoed into is the hottest of all and his name is Charlie, I was like "Wow, what a beautiful merge, Frankie, Charlie", Lina was like " Babe, just snap out of your dreams cos it can never come through", I shrugged and they told me the rest of their names which were Frank which was Lina's Boyfriend, Danny and Leo. They said it was time for lunch before general sports, we went to a big, large hall were so many students were already, we went to the last table that was empty, we went there, they all were still waiting when the food was served, I asked Lina why we were still waiting, she said that they were waiting for some people , Charlie and his friends entered and they came to our table, I was scared a little, I opened my eye as he came closer, I bent my head down, not long after, they started praying, after prayer, I raised my head up and started eating, I was porking the food cos I was scared, I began eating slowly. When we were done, we took our plates to return, I was about running away to avoid Charlie's face but he dragged me back and I fell on him, Loveth and Lina turned and was looking in shock, I was staring at him then he told me something in my ear, meet me tomorrow at 5:30pm at the garden,no excuses. I immediately stood up and ran to Loveth and Lina, we went back to change into our sport Jessy, I love basketball but in the school, it was only meant for guys to play it, I told them, I left to the basketball pitch, it was totally empty, I sat down on the pavilion chairs and started reflecting on all the guys I have dated, I started feeling guilty but don't know the reason for that, I heard some voices, I raised my head and saw Charlie, " why must I always see this guy" I said in my mind, I just sent my head down, I felt a hand on my head, I raised my head up, it was Charlie, he asked me why I am here, I told him that I like basketball and I am very good at it, he the laughed at me mockingly, I was annoyed and asked what the matter was, he said nothing that let's have a competition then, he put Danny and Leo in my team while he, Frank and one other ugly guy was in his team, the whistle was blown and the game started, though I was short, I beat Charlie and his team 6-2, I was so happy, I jumped in excitement, I heard the bell and I was leaving when Charlie called me back and said "Do not forget", I nodded, he rubbed my hair and I giggled, I went back to the hostel, Loveth and Lina were already there, I washed all my clothes and I wore a big red top and white trouser pants and packed my hair in pigtails and we went to class, SS3 H, we went to have our night prep, I had nothing to read do I just updated mine, they had not gone far so I finished it on time, the bell was later rung and we left to the hostel. I took my bath and I slept off, I didn't bother going for dinner, dinner is always after prep, around 9:30 pm to 10:30pm..........

© sparkledhee