

Alaik Slaik
Its not an ordinary word rather an extra- ordinary jargon. Just like we own many people, not truly but in words. These relations are fragile because they are baseless. We own them beacuse somehow they are adding little or more value to our sustainability. Thats it! Not more than that. Infact, these relationships that easily get ruined, never existed truly. And those relationships that lasted till now are the ones who were real in the beginning.

Ever wondered?Why chaos separates loved ones? Ever thought about that? The basic question is, were they honest in start or just pretending to be with you?
Whenever their time came to perform on your life's stage as a supporting hero; they just made lame excuses. Or just appeared to watch your dreadful solo. And you know that!
You know them! You knew it was going to happen. But still you were acting dumb and deaf that may be. May be they are your loyal ones. Kiara once trusted like that. She used to trust her folks, her ora of friends. She did it because she was always surrounded by her fans and friends. So, she started assuming that she owns such a large community that she can cherish her entire life. Kiara had a wonderful habit of helping others but in her heart she also considered everyone as her resource but never showed that side of her to anyone. Since her childhood, she used to make friends as resources. Somewhat she helped them and somehow they too. Everyone in her town started popularizing her as an angel of help. She used to help them where ever possible and if not her father was there to buck her up. Time passed and peeps including old and children became her loyal fans. Kiara was getting aged but yet there was no proposal for her even though her fandom was great. Time came and it was Kiara's wedding day. She ws expecting a huge welcome of guests in her posh society wedding hall but only 10 guests appeared. She was shocked! Shocked that inspite of giving huge wedding gifts to her pals why no one appeared. She had distributed 500 wedding invitations and not even 5% of the guests appeared. She cried! She asked a question to her father that why no one came? Atleast to give her blessings on her big day . Her father wiped her tears and said that loyalty refrains from double-crossers. When we are too much loyal to someone more then their caliber of worthful existence then we get shocks in return. Most importantly when we are not truly loyal to them by heart!
Kiara noticed that she was never honest with her pals either. She was helpful to everyone but not whole heartedly. She was there with her pals but not when they really needed her. She was available whenever it was was profitable for her in return. Deceit is a result of lies! Its the way of controlling others' behavior and emotions to attain your so called worthful goals. She chose popularity over emotional attachment. She preferred quantity over the quality of existence among them. The enactment she showed to everyone but not actually felt in them. No one deceited Kiara but she herself. The return of Alaik Slaik; the fake Hellos!

© msaminafy