

The end
                                        Book .1
Since man kind was made ..already are soul will fade.. the devil slave...demon thirst with crave...Even when you good and behave..even when u pray..demon wont stay away...untill the world grey... end of day...the devil dont care..ask he put it in ur rear...horn sharper then sphere..he show no fear..he will tear andtear..better beware..ask he put the virus in the air..watching man kind disappear ..we did this so dont be scare ..been written in the bible for 1000 of  years.. from da guy upstairs from the
atmosphere.. listen to words open ur ears...the air will make u choke ..virus in ur throat..like u breathing toxic smoke..untill u can't breath nomore....government try help but jus joke..president getting credit for check .no respect....that only certain people get...he make sure only people using the net....all he do is think of his self..cause of money greed n  wealth...he dont care bout nobody health..we all be dead..Ocean river and lake... color red...blood will shed...Remember when we were starving he made bread...so open ur heart and used ur head....when we were thirsty he made wine..now we forgot bout god he  gonna end man kind..to late to pray cant rewind..The devil has got soul and mine..thinking bout richess try earn a dime...im jus messager from god  read the sign..hes tired being nice.. we gotta pay the price..for the sin we cause in this life...so next time listen to the word of christ....cause he gonna end this life.......
5-03-2020 jackapone 2:18 am
...chorus...2 time
Everybody in this life lets pray ..if we dont gonna be end of day..from the sky to da star in space ..this whole world gonna be put to waste...everybody in this life lets pray ..if we dont we be in our grave....Everybody in this life lets pray...so the devil can stay away...everybody in this life lets pray....if we dont gonna be end of day... hope u guys like it I'm street poet...from Stockton CA..
Jackapone Ros_
© Jackapone Ros_