

The Insane Genius of Bray Wyatt
One of my first interests growing up was pro wrestling. It sucked me in. And some of it still does.

Yes. Yes, I know. It’s fake. Fans of wrestling know it too. It’s not an earth-shattering thing anymore. Wrestling is one of the purest forms of storytelling out there. Why? Cause it has a simple formula. Here’s a basic example:

The good guy wants to beat the bad guy for some arbitrary reason/championship. But the good guy has to wait until the major monthly event to do it. Either someone wins, or doesn’t because of some shenanigans. Rinse repeat.

One wrestler who has made me like wrestling again is Bray Wyatt (Not his real name) Most wrestling nowadays is based on athletic ability. While he does have that, Bray does something rare in wrestling: He has lore and continuity.

When he first debuted for the WWE’s main roster as a Cult leader from the swamp (Yes, really) he has a finishing move that WWE made a video explaining where the name came from. It’s details like that that made me intrigued.

His latest character took elements of his former one and morphed into segments that resembled a children’s TV show with dark overtones. It was there where his newest alter-ego emerged: The Fiend.

The Fiend is a combination of Pennywise, the Joker, and most horror movie villains rolled into one. I know most of this sounds crazy or even stupid. But it is unlike most wrestlers today.

Yes, The character has had some missteps. they are as insane as the character can be at times. Losing in some key matches for no logical reason. But he’s been able to refresh the character to add new elements. Including brainwashing a female wrestler (Think Harley Quinn, but she can throw fireballs. Yes, really.)

If you want the best example of Bray’s creativity, watch the Firefly Funhouse match from Wrestlemania 36. Then after that, which a video explaining all the references throughout the match.

It’s that layered.

Again, I know all of this sounds crazy. But pro wrestling can be very bland and predictable. Bray Wyatt has added intrigue that it makes it fun to watch.

And all you have to do…is Let Him In
