

(Insert good title here, because I can't think of any)
It was a warm, cloudy morning, and my siblings had just gone missing.
I had four siblings. There was my twin, Alex, age fourteen, who had from birth been my exact opposite and best brother ever. Then you had Jasie and Jason, age ten, and also the only ones in my family to have a "sixth sense". Then there was Clover, the youngest sister, age four, and the most adorable sister ever. And they were all gone.
I knew exactly who took them. We had been on Mr. Fins' radar for a year. No one trusted him, and he admitted point blank that he was a murderer, but they could never get proof. He was also a kidnapper and psycho, but again no proof. Mom and Dad were out of town that week, so I couldn't go to them, because being scatterbrained, they had forgotten their phones, and I didn't know their hotel number. I made a plan.
At midnight, I grabbed my camera, pocket knife, and my lockpicks. I crept over to his house. It was the smallest, most unsuspecting house on my block. So naturally, a murderer lived there. His basement window was unlocked. I had accidentally slipped in as a younger child, and having photographic memory, I knew where everything was. Nothing had changed, except one box, conveniently placed in front of a door. I moved the box, opened the door and went in.
I snapped photos as I went. There were knives, a few with blood on them, a rack (the torture kind), also with blood, and in the middle of the room, my siblings, slightly beat up, but otherwise fine. They looked relieved to see me. I untied them, and crept out of the room with them.
When we got home, I looked at the photos. All of them were there, but something got my eye. In the corner of one, there was a figure leaning on the bookshelf near my siblings. I looked harder, then grew cold. Mr Fins had been right there, asleep. I could've died there.

Newspaper: Police make astounding arrest!
Local man Mr Elroid Fins arrested for multiple murders, kidnappings and breaking and entering charges. Arrest was finally made due to photos submitted by an anonymous source. Man was found guilty, convicted of serial killing and sentenced for life. More evidence was brought up after a house raid, in which police found the bodies of twelve people. Graves have been erected, and identification has begun.