

Whisper-whisper the tall grass Part. III
As the shovel clings to the ground. And he drags the tarp with the dogs dead body on it and he moves quickly as the barn door creeps open and.
There came an outline image of a man who was walking up from behind him; and it was Mr. Sheer without the hat and you can see just lerital and define into his high masculine cheek bones. That stretches back over his bone structure in his face and stands there from behind Mr. Maddy and he stops.
And Mr. Maddy grips his shovel tightly and he with full on aggression takes his shovel and takes a swipe at him and then he grabs hold of the shovel and stops him and Sheer uses it against him and whacks Will across his face with hard swipe and he falls to the ground hard.
And then Sheer still holding onto the shovel, and puts it aside and he stands before Will who was on the ground helpless and Sheer looked down upon him. Then he starts to kick him. In the stomach it was either to teach him a lesson but what lesson was there to learn.

"You see know don't ya?"
"That I ain't playing around
"What do you want?"

And Sheer gets down low on his knees looks down upon Will who was slowly gaining his senses back. And gets up on his elbows, and he then sits up on his shoulders. And Sheer gets up again. And reaches in from behind him and takes out a dirty old rag. Then he picks up Mr. Maddy.

"What I want is for you to rewrite just one simple page."

And for no reason he grabs Will by his back and throws him forwards up against wooden shaft post. And he hits it and falls. Down again and he was knocked out, and then Sheer picks him up again and then just drives a righty in his face. And then Will falls down and lays there.
As Sheer looks down upon Will who was laying there. Almost dead as he was inhaling the dirt and old straw in his mouth and Sheer picks up the shovel again and then stands over Mr. Maddy again.

"All you need to do is listen to me
when I tell you to rewrite a
page from a play that you
just so happens to write. Now
you are being difficult just tell
me why?"
"Eh- you think I'm going to tell you why?" As Will leans up against a post and sits there and Sheer gets down low once more and sits before Maddy.

"Why a well known playwright? like yourself ain't going just rewrite one
simple page in that so called playbook
of yours."
"And you think I'm going to do
it for someone who just aggressively
beat the shit out of me."

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