

Refurbished Remains
This house held no secrets. It's shameful stature ricketing on a fragile frame. We were there to rid the town of the sore spot that resided in the middle of town.. convenience would have it, common, yet unfortunately circumstances happened where we must conduct our work at night.
Dreadful old thing it was. It was honestly hard to fathom the inhabitants of a nice family living happily playing board games or watching the tele. The floors creaked as well as the doors squeaked. The odorous smell of mold accompanied the mildew that filled the crevices in the doorway.
My friend/ partner in crime knocked on the door humorously calling out " is anybody home?" I replied with a smile " I guess they must be out at the moment. "
He shrugged his shoulders then aggressively kicked in the door. A cold waft of air that smelled like old wet laundry was accompanied by the squeals of a massive rat that scurried past my feet and down the stairs of the house's wooden porch. " I guess he didn't get the eviction notice ha" he said. We shared a laugh and proceeded in.
At this point the job had become quite routine and we began initializing the normal set up. We stomped around to assure the grounds weren't rotted. We cautiously checked cabinets for rodents. We even shut the blinds and hit the music. It wasn't long until we had basically ripped a t rex like a bite out of every wall. We even ripped almost every floorboard from the nails that held them and created a pile out front that came up waist high
Me and my pal jumped into the space below the floorboards. Our heads stood on our shoulders between two wooden beams that remained. Even the floorboards were so damp they rotted to the point of white cotton. The web-like mold covered the entirety of one beam that connected to the front door. It spread all the way from the bottom of the door to the dirt in one big massive mass of white moss. "Time to get to it´¨ i said just before me and my partner started to swing the battering ram we held in the tight space below us. ¨1 …..2……3!¨ We swung the tip of the metal ram into the wet white wood that held up the door frame hoping to cause it all to collapse in on itself.

̈Ah!¨ we screamed out in unison. The sound of absolute disgust diluted with unimaginable horror pierced my ears from the sound of his shriek! My lip trembling from the frantic terror that traumatized my mind. Caught by surprise the ram went through the white wall as if it were good! The velocity in our swing propelled us both face first into the shattered wall. My mouth is a jar, the white mold filled my cheeks like 100 cotton balls.
I Had to try and not swallow , the taste of urine and sardines made me gag compulsively. I was unable to catch my breath.I had to act ! So I held myself up and ripped the putrid strains of disgusting muk from the back of my throat and spit every bit of it out that I could. All that remained was the nasty film on my teeth and the horrid taste in my mouth. As the events intensity digressed and my large heaves of air dwindled into a quiet rapid breath. I wiped my eyes that were covered in wet film, and then called out to my friend. ¨Paco?¨ i called out ¨Are you ok?¨
The pause was brief before the silence caused me a sense of concern. Hoping maybe i didn't hear him because of the shit in my ears. ¨Paco!¨”i called out again. Then for the first time in life did Pacos voice sound like an angels I heard him yell out ¨yo jo!¨ But abruptly after i let out a sigh of relief the voice of an angel was conquered when my in my site was the work of the devil himself. The white mold wasn't mold but actually the thick weaving of a massive spider web! My hands trembling i reached for my flashlight in my pocket. Pulling it out with the tips of my fingers it fell out of my grasp and to the dark floor below.
Without hesitation i kneeled in a panic, and reached for the flashlight on the ground. In my failed attempts of lifting it from the ground it suddenly turned on. The light shined through the web in between my fingers. ¨Oh god! Oh god! ¨” i nearly hit the point of hyperventilating as a herd of eight legged demons engulfed my forearm and raced swiftly up my arm. ¨Paco! Help me please! God! Oh God! Paco! Help! Tears filled my eyes and pour down the sides of my lips. Suddenly in the dim light revealed the silhouette of a hand and i heard ¨Joe! Joe! I'm here! Grabbed my hand ! I dont think ive ever grabbed something so tightly in my life. I felt like i was literally holding on for dear life.
Paco´s hand covered mine and he pulled me kicking up and out of that hell. I then dragged the rest of my body out and was stricken with manic paranoia. I swatted and patted and stomped on spiders that weren't even there. I still could feel as if they were crawling of the shiver of my spine. Paco ran to my aid, helped me pat down and continuously try to convince me that we had got all of them. ¨its ok ¨ paco said. Thank god your ok¨
¨I'm alive thanks to you pal¨ i replied. ¨Thank you ¨ i affirmed once more with the pitch of absolute gratitude in my tone.
¨You better believe it ¨ he said. He stood up and reached his hand out , I took it and he helped me to my feet.
I brushed myself off one last time and asked ¨ what the hell happened down there man?¨
His eyes became more serious with the glisten of a boy about to show his friend the lizard he captured. Cautious intrigue came over the expression in his face. ¨Dude you're not gonna believe this .¨ He ascended up the stairs and to the cave in the area where the door and floor used to reside. Being more cautious and not as eager as Paco, I approached the opening in the floor with soft easy steps as if in an attempt to not wake someone. Taking my last gentle stride I stood above the black hole. Looking into what I can only describe as an unholy abyss, I was distraught with dismay, unable to fully grasp the sinister site before me.
Within the darkness was a metal contraption unlike anything I've ever seen. It looked like a bird cage built for a beast. The bars were rusted and jagged and cobwebs covered the chains like snow. ¨wait a second, what is that¨ i asked. Kneeling down i peered through the bars at the top of the cell. I could see the reminisce of light that still shined from floor of the pit. I tried to make out what I was seeing and honestly still today I can't shake the site that appeared. In the corner of this hell trap was a skull. Spiders crawled from out the holes in its eyes……..
After that night another whole set of standard precautions was made. Me and Paco took some time off but that night we stumbled upon a nightmare that became a constant disturbance deep into every night's sleep. In doing some arm chair investigating as well from what I derived from the police on the scene that night is that the cage was not meant for a bird nor made for a beast. It was there to hold a young boy captive. Now i don't know if it was bad parenting or a demented fiend seeking sick kicks it doesn't matter at this point. I felt as if we freed a soul from his ungodly chamber. The size of the skeleton that was pulled from the rubble surely was the stature of an innocent boy. A young kid who chose to get too close to the grettles oven. To think of the suffering he had to endure is a burden I can't even start to imagine. The only comfort of mind at this point is that now he can rest in peace for the duration of eternity in heaven.
