

The New Fairytale
I saw her first time
On the seashore.
A pleasant complexion,
Independent eyes,
Free black shiny hair,
Playing with the flow of wind.
She was seated for a while.
She swims sea after sea,
Playing with waves.
And then just got vanished
Inside the deep ocean.

I saw him for the first time.
He was like a Cupid of my dreams,
Flying at his highest
Then touches the land,
With his magical hands.
I was seated on the seashore,
Watch him till he got vanished,
In those white clouds of the sky.

Then we met for the first time.
I came out from the sea,
To saw him fly,
In the free sky.

And I suddenly touch the wave,
Then I stopped.
Because it wasn't the wave,
It was her head,
I blushed and fly higher.

Then I came down,
And now I'm
In the waves of the ocean,
Found her and hold her hands.
For a while I was in the sea
She hold me and meet me up,
With her family.

With holding hands,
He took me to the highest.
Of his sky to the sunrays
Then to those friendly white clouds
Oh this is why I love heights
This world looks so beautiful
Like our paradise.

Then we both touch the ground
And I drop her to her ocean,
This is our paradise of love.

She's my Mermaid

And he's my Cupid.

This is our fairytale....

© Anushka_28